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"There's something significant about that, isn't there?"

"...Just that you never forgot about me," I muttered with a smile. "If an angel gives a feather to someone, and that person forgets the angel, the feather will wither and turn to dust. Let me see it."

I watched Hunter lift her necklace, showing the feather in a jar. "Right here."

"...I need to go," I breathed in shock when I noticed the feather looked freshly plucked. 'How often does she think of me for it to be that healthy still?!'

"Sunf- [Y/N]...?"

"I just... I need time to process everything," I muttered, staring at the feather. "...Do you tell your son stories about me?"

"Of course. Should I not? They always make him smile or laugh. He suffers from night terrors as Isa did."

"You suffered from those, too," I reminded her. "My Father noted it in your file, and the war didn't help. Speaking of... I highly doubt you got out without PTSD."

"What about you? You saw the worst of it," Hunter frowned. "You lost a lot of patients — we lost friends and family."

"I'm the doctor here."

"...I can't say that," Hunter muttered to herself with a faint smile. "I'm... Fine. Most of my night terrors of the war are- well, they're battles we lost. I can still hear the screams... They're vivid, and I hate it. Still, what about you?"

I gently moved her hand away, stepping back from the witch. "What do you think? I'm half angel, so those moments will haunt me forever. Have you been taking-?"

"Yes, I have. Look, if seeing me is too much, I'd understand if you left. You have every right to be angry with me. I'm-"

I groaned and grabbed the collar of her uniform, pulling the witch in for a quick kiss before pushing her back with a frown. "That's for living. Now, I should return to Olympus."

"[Y/N], wait-!" Hunter called as I quickly walked away from her. "...Please, wait..."

'Damn her,' I internally cursed when my feet stopped moving. 'Damn her to Hades.'

"...You didn't have to do that," She whispered, placing her hands on my arms before kissing the top of my head. "I didn't deserve it, but I appreciate it. Will you come to visit again someday?"

"I-I don't know... I- There's a lot I need to work through. A lot of emotions..."

"I understand," The witch promised before letting me go. "You know where to find me if you ever want to visit. I won't force you to stay, and the girls won't stop you from leaving."

"Why'd you keep it?"

"I didn't want to forget about you, Su- [Y/N]. We never intended to stay as long as we did, but getting stuck in this village and then Isa accidentally-"

"Hunter, I get it," I frowned and faced her, noticing the anxiety in her eyes. 'I always loved her eyes.'

"...That's it?"

"S-sorry!" I eeked out, clearing my throat and shaking the urge to get lost in her eyes. "I get it, Hunter... But that doesn't explain why you kept it the entire-"

"I'm in love with you. Have been for a very long time."

'She-?!' My brain short-circuited at the news, grabbing her hand when she dropped her gaze. 'Why are words leaving me right now?!'

"...I'm sorry... I shouldn't have said that," Hunter whispered after a few moments of silence, leaving me to stare at the space she once stood.

'No, come back! I... I love you too... Always will.'

Guardian Angel [Lesbian!OC x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now