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Before I could begin my story, the door opened to reveal a smiling Isa. "Dani, there you are!"

"You were looking for me?"

"Yeah, of course! You're my girlfriend, of course, I'll look for you. I did, however, want to make sure dinner was still on."

Daniela purred and nodded, a smile on her face. "Of course! Hunter promised to make sure Costin doesn't fuss while we're gone."

"What's going on?" I asked softly, making Daniela's smile widen.

"Isa tries their best to do dinner dates with us! At the end of each week, one of us gets a special, one-on-one dinner with them. It's always so romantic, too."

"Well, whether they admit it or not, Isa's always been a hopeless romantic."

Isa clicked their tongue and whined. "I don't need you spilling my secrets too!"

"Should've thought of that when you befriended me all of those years ago."

"Never thought an angel would bite me in the ass."

"Then you never paid attention to supernatural beings."

Daniela giggled as Isa walked closer, grabbing their hands before they leaned down for a quick kiss. "I love your romantic side! And be nice to my new friend."

"You just met her."


Isa's lips parted before they shut their mouth, a soft laugh leaving them. "...Fair enough. I'll let Hunter know so she can start on the room for us."

"I can let Hunter know," I offered with a smile.

"No, no, enjoy your story-swapping with Dani. You two seemed like you were having fun, don't let me interrupt it. Oh, and [Y/N]?"


"Try not to embarrass me in front of my girl, please?"

"No promises," I smirked, making Daniela giggle.

"She just promised to tell me a story about the times you'd lay and talk about space with her."

Isa's eyes widened slightly in shock, a pink hue appearing on their cheeks. "Wh-why would you-?!"

"You rarely talk about space, but when you do, you're so passionate about it," Isa's gaze dropped at Daniela's words, the small frown they usually get while thinking appearing on their face. "I... I just wanted to hear stories of when you'd go on your little rambles."

"...All the more reason for [Y/N] to stay," Isa muttered, a sheepish smile on their face as their cheeks began to glow. "Enjoy the stories, Κολοκύθι."

'Pumpkin? That's adorable.'

Once Isa was gone, Daniela faced me with a pout. "They never told me what that means."



"Κολοκύθι — it translates to 'pumpkin.'" I giggled at the flustered buzz that left Daniela. "I take it you told them you thought that pet name was cute?"

"Mhm," Daniela smiled, a happy giggle leaving her. "I never thought they'd say it in Greek though."

"Mm, it means they care a lot. It was always 'my love,' or 'sweetheart' that they used, I guess you mean more to Isa than they'll ever admit."

"I'll remember that," She murmured before shaking her head. "The story, please?"

"All right, all right," I laughed. "Time for that story."

Guardian Angel [Lesbian!OC x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now