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"Not all lycans are like him," I laughed as Artemis evened out her chariot and began circling the village. "...Can you do me a favor?"

"Hm? What is it?"

"Get me my supplies from Olympus? That castle could use a doctor."

Artemis snorted and faced me. "...Your feelings never faded, did they?"

"I tried to move on," I sighed and glanced over the edge of the chariot. "...Seeing her brought everything back. Seeing her be a Mom..."

"Put those feelings into overdrive? Please don't tell me you're getting baby fever."

"Ye-yeah to the feelings, no to baby fever. At least, not yet."

Artemis giggled and closed her eyes, soaking up the sun before responding. "Your Father will be heartbroken that you're leaving, but he'll be glad that you're taking your life into your own hands again."

A bittersweet smile rested on my face, knowing she was right. "How difficult would it be for him to visit?"

"He'd need to make sure Lady Dimitrescu is alright with it, but it shouldn't be too hard. If anything, he can say he needs to resupply you. There are items around the village that can be used to make medicine, but medicine for you demigods? Not so much."

"He'll survive. You know, you two never did give me the specifics of how my Mother died. You were with her when it happened."

"Sadly, everything you know is what happened," Artemis sighed and moved closer to me, leaning on the chariot as she glanced down. "Did he give you one of her feathers?"

"It's on Olympus," I sighed. "Mind grabbing that for me too?"

"Not at all. Did Hunter still have yours?"

"Mhm. Perfect condition."

"And how did you feel when that happened?"

My butterflies erupted in my stomach at the memory. "...Alive."

Artemis smiled and took my hand in hers, kissing the back of it before letting go. "Good. I missed seeing my niece happy."

"...Isa's never going to forgive themself."

"It's not in their nature," Artemis agreed. "They'll never forgive themself for hurting someone they care about. Grief makes Isa lose control."

"The last time I remember was when they scorched half of a town searching for Prometheus to avenge their halfbrother's death."

"So you remember that their responses can vary, good. When Basil died, no one knew what to expect from Isa. Shock and sex were not what we expected, but it's better than them going on a killing spree."

"...I don't even think I've accepted it, so I guess I get it. There is an emptiness... knowing he's gone..."

"You were close with all of them," She reminded me. "And you're a healer. You'll naturally grieve more than the others."

"It's just... Remembering the promises and the laughs... Fuck," I breathed as tears pricked my eyes. "He seriously dove in to save Isa? He was terrified of water."

"He feared losing his best friend more. Isa curses themself for not being fast enough, but truthfully, if Basil hadn't dove in and saved them, they would've both died. Isa was already close to being eaten — Basil diving in and helping is what threw that monster off and gave Hunter the time to get Isa away before it came back."

'...Both?' My heart ached at the thought of Isa being dead as well. 'I would've been reunited with Hunter sooner, but she wouldn't be the same at all. Was this really the best timeline?'

Guardian Angel [Lesbian!OC x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now