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Warning(s): NSFW/Smut, Body worship, Oral Sex, Fingering

"No," I growled. "You're not to undress until I join you in the bathroom. I want to see everything."

'She's hot when she's jealous,' I waited for Hunter to enter the bathroom before grabbing her spellbook. 'Let's see if my Sun has any spells for pleasure.'

A grin spread across my face when I found the spell — putting the book back after memorizing it and heading to the bathroom to join Hunter.

"Undress now?" The witch asked when I shut the door behind me.

"...It's not just jealousy, is it?"

When Hunter tensed, I knew my suspicions were correct. 'So some were being transphobic.'

My jaw clenched as I closed the distance between us, snaking my arms around Hunter's neck before ghosting my lips over hers. "You're more of a woman than they'll ever be. You're all I want, Hunter. Let me worship you, my Sun, and I'll make sure you forget every word those maids said."

Hunter's cheeks turned bright pink as the different shades of purple in her eyes dotted her irises like stars. "...Your Father's the sun god."

"Your grandmother's the Titaness of the Stars," I pointed out with a smirk. "And the sun is a star."

"I guess we were meant to be then," Hunter murmured.

"Exactly," I smiled. "This Sunflower was made for you. You're the Sun I look for."

"I love you," Hunter muttered before connecting our lips, a smile on her face.

My hands moved to tug her uniform off her body, smirking into the kiss. "I know."

The witch growled and caught my lower lip between her teeth, narrowing her eyes at me before connecting our lips in a hungry kiss. "Say it."

"Don't be a needy brat."

Hunter whined into the kiss and pulled my hips to hers, letting me feel her hardness. "I am needy."

"I love you, too. I saw a spell earlier," I purred, breaking the kiss before moving her hands to my shirt. "First, undress us."

Hunter tried her best not to rush undressing us, uttering the spell for increased pleasure. I stepped into the shower once we were naked, pulling Hunter in before trailing my lips over her jaw.

"What do you love about me?"

I smiled against her skin. "Where do I begin? Your sweet personality?"

My hands slowly trailed down her body, mapping every inch of her body. "How deeply you care for people? Your smooth skin, maybe," My lips trailed down her neck, nibbling and sucking on her flesh. "Your power, your voice, the way you love."

"Most of all," I hummed and pulled back, bringing my hands to cup Hunter's cheeks, pecking her lips with a wide smile. "I love watching you be a Mother to Costin. You look so happy in those moments, and when you smile or giggle with him, I melt at how adorable you two are."

"Really?" Hunter smiled.

"Mhm. Makes me wonder what our kid would look like and how you'd interact with them."

The witch sucked in a breath at the mention of our child, a needy whine leaving her. "Fuck, you'd look so pretty carrying my child."

"Down, girl," I giggled, ghosting my lips to her ear. "Something like that should be planned so that we don't have to scramble for baby things — especially diapers."

Guardian Angel [Lesbian!OC x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now