Why we failed pt. 8 Red Tape

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Authors note: It has come to my attention that some have asked when we will be returning to the present plot of the story and what I can tell you is this- I originally wanted to wrap up all these memories so there would be far less confusion going forward. I was going to return to the current narrative after around four or so more chapters but as the readers of my story I am at your service to entertain you. So, if you all would rather me flip back to the present story and sprinkle memories intermittently, I will do so. Let me know your thoughts.

Lastly, the story will be taking a slightly more mature direction, but don't fear, it will very much remain Zelda-esque as far as fun fantasy goes. There will be no rated X material, so don't worry about that. Just a bit more mature themes and language. I hope this doesn't bother anyone but it's how I envisioned the story unfolding. 


Why we failed pt. 8

Red Tape

Back in the heart of the city the Red Inn was in a stir. Girls clamored and fussed as one of its highest patrons remained shut in his private quarters, which he paid top rupee for. Outside his door in the hall stood a Dragoon soldier, attempting to brush past the Madam of the establishment and instill order. With tact he took his next actions very carefully, his fate depended on it. So, he knocked gently on the door where whispers of seduction and rude happenings could be heard behind its wooden walls.

"My Lord Arasmus, I'm sorry to disturb you but I believe we should be making our way to her highness."

"Bugger off! I'll go when I'm damn good and ready, alright? Fucks, sake Caspin, you never know when to let me be and shut up. If you weren't my best sword, I'd throw you off from the tallest tower of the Serpent's keep. See if I don't!"

His subordinate continued to tip toe around the situation and talk through the door. "I'm sorry my liege, but I must insist. It's your father's orders."

The young lord rolled his eyes and pulled away from his seductive distraction laying in front of him on a plump feather-down pillow. "My father this, my father that, always with my father. I swear to Hylia, don't you have anything else better to do than pester me like a fly? There's a whole capital to explore and here you are, as usual, buzzing in my ear. Give it a rest already. There will be plenty of time for pleasantries. The bloody festival is for three days. She isn't going anywhere."

"My apologies, Lord, but your father commands it with this parchment."

Enough of your whimpering apologies, Fine, I'll come. I lost heart of this anyway and you spoiled the mood." The uncouth lord said, before ushering to the pillow maid on the loveseat. "You stay there where you are though. I'll be back to finish what we started, but for now, I need to make myself presentable. After all, I'm meeting a princess this evening."

"Oh, my lord, how gallant." The brunette girl he bedded perked up, breasts bare through the thin satins she wore, supple as she seductively charmed the extravagant pillow she nestled between her legs as if it were him for another bout. "I sure hope you don't forget about me and our time together. I do hear she is quite the pretty flower. I fear you may lose all memory of me once trapped in her eyes."

 The wet between her thighs soiled the cushions and the room ranked of mingling, overpriced wine from distant vineyards of faraway lands and cheap perfume. The lord paid no mind while he stood in front of the mirror, fixing himself up, tying his waist belt over the soldier's uniform he wore.

"I would never." He quipped back over his shoulder, strapping the last of his attire. With a phony compliment he gave a crooked smile. He may have been more handsome than most, but his words were as poisonous as the viper emblazoned on his house's sigil. "Seldom is nectar as sweet as you my dear, your tongue and—"

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