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Dr. Rogers

I always hated having to call my floor to come in for a night shift, but tonight was one of those nights.

Lingsley and I stayed already. It was midnight. We would've both left at seven.

"You need a break?" I asked as we walked down the hall. We both had to be in for a few of the worse ones.

"I'm doing alright. Do you need one?"


She nodded, giving me a little smile before walking in the room.

The last three weeks were actually pretty good with Noa. She was nicer than I thought.

She gave me a look, making me take this. It was an old lady having some dizziness. She sat down at the chair.

I started examining, little talks here and there. I glanced at Noa. She was trying to keep her eyes open.

"Alrighty. I'm gonna send a nurse in. She's gonna give you one last quick scan. I have a feeling it's that dehydration we were talking about. Make sure to get some more water in everyday. Doc?"

She got up, walking out. I glanced at her.

"You sure you're good?"

"Im awesome."

"Let's go swing by the food court and get you some caffeine."

"That sounds glorious."

I smiled, walking to the elevator with her. She got in, resting against the wall. It was quiet.

"So, how's the new living situation?" She asked.

"Good. I get a kitchen. Definitely took that for granted."

"Hmm. And the finalizations?"

In the midst of working, I had court dates set up. Noa had taken a ton of my shifts the last week or so.

"They're fine. I guess it's just who gets the house and the car and the splitting up the bank account and her having to change her name again and all that shit."

"Who knew that breaking up after getting married could be so difficult huh?"

I smiled. "Yeah."

She yawned again. "Fuck I can't even keep my eyes open." She whispered.

"Once my other doctor comes in we can leave. Hes gonna be a bit but if you can hold on for two more hours..."

"Yeah I'll be good." She said. The elevator opened. She got up, walking out with me.

I went to the vending machine, popping in some quarters before gazing at her, leaning against the machine as I did.

"Pick your poison." I whispered. She gave me a look, pressing the button for an energy drink.

"Actual poison." I said. She smiled and opened the can. She made a little face.

"Tastes like poison too." She whispered. I smiled, putting my change in and getting one for myself. She continued to sip on the drink.

"It's so bad but so good at the same time." She whispered. I chuckled.

"That's cause your liver knows it's killing you softly Lingsley."

She rolled her eyes. I opened the drink, taking a little sip.

"Let's go." I whispered. She walked back to the elevator with me.

We went in. I pressed the button to our floor.

"So when do you see Ashton again?"

"I don't know. My ex won't answer my calls or texts. Do I talk to my lawyer at this point?"

DR. ROGERS: A Steve Rogers StoryWhere stories live. Discover now