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"He's what?"

"He's alright. He's stable at least. Well...he's in a coma."


"I don't get medical terms and I'm tired and I am also hurt so don't fucking yell please! You're his parent too and I don't know what to do so please just come. You can have the basement of the house to yourself but please.." He said. I knew he was crying.

Steve woke up beside me. I set my hand on his chest.

"Okay. Yeah let me.. I'll be there as soon as I can. I've gotta call into work. Are you a patient there right now?"

"I don't know they checked me out and I have a concussion and a bruised rib but Ash is in the intensive care unit and I have the baby at home and everything..."

I held in my emotions. "Okay. I'll be there as soon as possible."

"Okay. Bye."

"What happened?" Steve asked as I got out of bed.

"Cole and Ashton were in a car accident coming back from a baseball game. Ash is in a coma."

"Oh my god. Noa."

"I can go alone. It's okay..."

"I'm coming with."


We got to the hospital. Funny enough it was the hospital I used to work at.

"Noa. Hey.."

My old partner Amanda was working. She came over as I went up to the front desk. She pulled me into a hug.

"You okay?" She asked.

"Is he?" I whispered.

"He's stable. I'm sure it was shock. He's got a couple banged up ribs and a broken arm. But he's gonna be alright. He's got internal bleeding, but he had surgery. Now your ex-husband is going insane so that's a different story."

I nodded. "I wanna go see him."

"Second room in ICU."

I nodded, taking Steve with me.

I went in, finding Colton. He got up, coming over to me.

"I know what you're gonna do when you see him. You're gonna flip."

"Go sit down."


I went over, seeing my little boy bruised. He had ivs and an oxygen mask on. He looked so hurt. Frail.

I felt tears well up. I work in these situations every single day. But if I see my kid in this, I'm done.

I turned away. Colton was sitting down. He looked awful. Steve just timidly walked over to Ashton. He sat down. I glanced at Cole.

"They give you any meds?"

He nodded. "It's my concussion. Noa I promise I didn't try. If I could have protected him I would've."

"I'm not mad at you. You were T-boned. There's nothing you could do. I'm just happy you both are alive."

He nodded. I sat down.

"You see Amanda?"

"Yeah." I said. I sat down next to him. We both watched Steve.

A nurse came in. "I'm so sorry. Visiting hours are over."

"But...we're his parents." Colton said.

"Cole. It's okay. Are you still checked in overnight here?" I asked. He was still in a hospital band. He nodded.

DR. ROGERS: A Steve Rogers StoryWhere stories live. Discover now