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"Alright ma'am. One more deep breath in and out." I said.

Thanksgiving night. I was at work. Not that I had anything to do but work. My parents lived down in florida after retirement, so I visited them on Christmas instead.

I set my stethoscope on my shoulders and smiled at the older woman in front of me.

"I am gonna have you come back and get tested for asthma. It can show up at any time. I think that's what is going on."

"Really? Oh god I had no idea. Thank you doctor."

"Yeah no problem. Let's go get you another appointment at the front desk. And no more breathing attacks during thanksgiving games." I said. She nodded and smiled.

"My grandkids make me do some weird things when I'm over. They're teens and they see things all over social media. Let's just say throwing whipped cream in the air from your hand doesn't work."

"I won't try it. Hi there. Can we get Miss Dana set up with an appointment next week?"

We got her set up before she was off.

"Happy thanksgiving Doctor Lingsley."

"You too maam."

I smiled as she left, going to my office to grab my stuff. It was 10pm. My shift was over. I checked my phone, seeing a text from Steve.

Steve: how's work?

Me: just got off. Busy. How was your moms?

Steve: the usual. She's just busy making herself busy. But I like that I live close.

Me: you're such a sweetheart. Love you

Steve: get some good sleep tonight

Me: only for you

I put my sweatshirt on and grabbed my stuff, heading out. An hour long subway home, and I'll be in bed.


I got home, turning on the lights in my apartment. But to my surprise, I had company.

And that company was Steve.

A pie was on the table, as well as a plate of thanksgiving food.

"You didn't."

"My mom insisted after I told her about you."

"Oh my god. You don't understand how much I needed this." I whispered. I put it in the microwave.

"Well I wasn't gonna let you not have thanksgiving dinner."

I took it out, grabbing a fork and sitting at the island. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. How was work?"

"You know. Same old, same old."

"Any crazies in?"

"Nope. I mean I'm sure but none that I had. Hey, speaking of your mom giving me food, when can I meet her?"

"Whenever you'd like."

I smiled as I took a bite of food. "Well you can tell her I rarely get meals made for me, so thank her for that."

"She knows. I told her that."

I smiled softly. Steve went to get a drink from the fridge. I glanced around my house, catching a glimpse of a picture of Ashton and I.

My first thanksgiving without him. God that stung.

Steve made himself an old fashioned. That's pretty much all I had the ingredients for in this house. I had lemons, limes, oranges, and liquor. That's all there was in the fridge.

DR. ROGERS: A Steve Rogers StoryWhere stories live. Discover now