'We can be anything'🚎

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The boys are on their first tour.
Harry hears Louis "having some fun" in his bunk above him and offers to help

At first, it's a small noise coming from the bunk above, Louis?. Then a slightly louder sound.

"Lou ?" Harry calls quietly. The sounds stop. Louis clears his throat, "Uh, yeah?" He asks, Harry thinks he sounds off, "Are you okay?" He asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine haz, go back to sleep," Louis whispers, Harry hums and turns on his side, closing his eyes, "night lou" he whispers, "goodnight harold".

He's almost back to sleep when he hears what sounds like a whimper coming from above. his eyes snap open.

is Louis?....

He tries not to move, knowing that if Louis thinks he's still awake, he'll stop, and Harry wants to know if he's doing what he thinks he is.

Now that he's really paying attention, he notices the laboured breathing and quiet gasps. He feels his boxers getting a little tight. SHIT.

His little problem becomes worse when he hears a breathy moan. And suddenly, there's silence, Louis is probably worried that someone heard him and someone did.

"... Harry?" Louis breaks the silence, Harry tenses. Should he reply and let him know he's still awake, or should he keep quiet and let him finish then slip off to the bathroom himself?

....fuck it....

"Lou" is all he can manage. He hears Louis mutter 'shit' before letting out a frustrated sigh. "Lou?" Harry says again, "yeah ?". Harry takes a deep breath before asking, "Would you like some help?"He hears the shaky breath Louis let's out before he squeaks out a flustered "u-uh what?".

He drags himself out of his bunk, standing straight. He grabs the edge if the privacy curtain that's pulled over Louis' bunk. He hesitates, "Lou?" He says, barely a whisper. There's a pause and he is worried he's gone too far, he's about to turn away when Louis whispers a rushed, "fuck it...just get in here".

Harry scrambles to climb into the bunk, closing the curtain behind him as he sits himself beside Louis, level with his hips. Louis looks up at him with red, bitten lips and wide eyes filled with desperation.


They stare at each other for what feels like hours until Louis breaks the silence once again, "please" he whispers quietly. Harry slowly pulls back the sheet covering Louis' lap, biting his lip as he takes him in.

Louis flushes a deep red under his gaze, letting out a whine to get his attention back, Harry looks up at him, grazing his fingers up and down his inner thigh.
"Please..Harry.. just touch me" he breathes out.

Harry smiles, laying beside him " I'm gonna help you Lou don't worry" he says softly, comforting him. Louis keens, turning his head to nuzzle against his chest.

Harry smiles, finally taking him into his hand, pressing his thumb against the slit, earning a shuddery moan from Louis, "shh love" he whispers into his hair "can't wake the others" he adds.

Feeling the boy nod against his chest, he begins to move his hand up and down, painstakingly slow. teasing him.
"please" Louis whines, Harry shushes him softly, moving his hand faster, "thank you thank you" Louis gasps, throwing his head back against the pillow.

Harry continues moving his hand up and down, watching Louis as breathy moans escape through his parted lips. He looks up at Harry, locking eyes with him. They stay looking into each others eyes, with Louis whimpering, trying to stay quiet.

"Please, I'm so close" he breathes out, keeping their eyes locked. Harry smirks, "already?" he asks in a cheeky tone "I'm that good am i ?".

Louis let's out a small breathy laugh, "shut up" he says "was already going" he adds, "I know, I heard" Harry teases, revelling in Louis' embarrassed whine.

He keeps moving his hand, lifting his thumb to rub at the head, drawing a moan from Louis who bites down on his bottom lip in an attempt to be quiet, tilting his head back against the pillow again in pleasure.

"Oh fuck Harry I'm gonna..im- please, please I'm gonna-"; He cuts him off, leaning down to whisper against his lips "shh, show don't tell".

He watches as Louis' eyes roll back and he starts letting out desperate moans. he crashes their lips together in an attempt to quieten him, feeling the vibrations as Louis moans into his mouth, cumming over his hand.

He reduces the pace of his hand, helping him to ride through his orgasm, eventually pulling away from the kiss, stopping his hand movements and wiping it against the bed.

He watches Louis turn to Bury his face against his chest, breathing heavily.

Once his breathing has slowed to a semi regular pace, he leans back, looking up at Harry with wide eyes, "wanna help you now" he says, pushing him onto his back and crawling to sit between his legs, pulling down his boxers and licking his lips.

"Wait Lou, have you done this before?" Harry asks, Louis shakes his head no,. "you don't have to do it babe, don't do it just cause you think I want it" Harry says, sitting up a little and leaning against the wall.

"I want too" Louis replies, looking at him with doe eyes. Harry nods, "yeah-yeah okay" he breathes. Louis drops his head and licks his lips, he definitely wants this but he also definitely doesn't want to fuck up.

Harry senses his apprehension, reaching out to stroke his cheek, "take your time love" he whispers softly "but you don't have to do anything Lou", he goes to sit up properly. "I can just-", "no wait" Louis interjects, pushing him back down.

Harry goes to speak again but Louis drops his head, taking him into his mouth. He moans instead. Louis hollows his cheeks and bobs his head up and down like a pro.

"fuck, you're good. You sure you haven't done this before?" Harry pants cheekily, Louis pulls off and looks up at him with a faux innocent smile, "porn haz" he says before dropping his head back down, "perv" Harry groans. Louis can't help but laugh.

He cards his fingers through Louis' hair, tugging at it gently, which he seems to enjoy because he moans around him, sending vibrations through his body.

After a little while Harry feels a familiar feeling in his stomach. He tugs Louis hair a little harder trying to get him to pull off, "baby I'm close" he gasps, trying again.

Louis pulls off with a whine, Looking up at him through his lashes, "stop, I want it" he mutters quickly, before going back to it "well fuck, if you're sure" Harry groans.

He drops his hands from Louis' hair to the sheets beneath them, balling them in his fists. Louis whines and reaches out blindly, moving his hand to find Harry's and pulling it when he does, Harry loosens his grip, letting Louis move his hand back to his hair without pulling off. He tugs lightly again, knowing that's what Louis wants.

"Fuck I'm gonna cum Lou, you can still pull off" Harry groans, Louis ignores him and hollows his cheeks a little more. He moans Louis' name and tries to refrain from bucking his hips as he cums.

Louis bobs his head a couple more times before pulling off, looking up at Harry before closing his eyes and swallowing, making him groan softly one last time.

He wipes his mouth before crawling up to lay beside him, resting his head on the pillow, Harry turns and does the same.
"Hi" he whispers, Louis giggles softly, "hi" he whispers back. Harry grabs his hands and brings them up between their chests, making Louis smile.

"You called me baby" He says softly, Harry smiles "I did", he whispers. Louis smiles back at him.

It's quiet for a while as they stare into each others eyes.

"I like you" Louis whispers.
"I like you too" Harry whispers back.
"Maybe you want to be my boyfriend?" He asks with a smirk.

Louis giggles happily and jumps onto him, laying down on top of him and nuzzling his face against his neck, Harry laughs softly and wraps his arms arms around him, "should I takes that as a yes?" He asks,
"Yes yes yes" Louis mumbles excitedly against his neck.

"I REALLY like you Lou" Harry says.
Louis giggles.

"I REALLY like you too hazza".

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