touch me like you do🛑

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Louis cums before he's supposed too and gets put on a orgasm ban for a week.

~ Slight Daddy kink
Secret babygirl kink~


Louis sighs as he makes his way to Harry after their next to last interview, holding his arms out for a hug, which he accepts.

"You okay baby" He asks, wrapping his arms around him, "mmm" Louis hums in response, stretching up onto his tippy toes to nuzzle against his neck, "giant oaf" he huffs, "sorry babe" Harry chuckles softly.

"I can pick you up?" He suggests, "I'm not a baby" Louis scoffs, although he's seriously considering it. "Oh my tough boy" Harry teases, "fuck off harold" Louis grumbles, trying to appear annoyed; before nuzzling again. "I love you" Harry says with a smile, "love you idiot" Louis replies fondly.


He becomes fidgety during their last interview, starting to feel a little anxiety and overwhelmed after a long day; especially when the interviewer is asking about HIS boyfriend's current relationship with some semi famous girl, he rolls his eyes before he can stop himself. He quickly begins fixing his fringe, hoping for some reason that'll give him a cover for doing it.

Liam pats his shoulder from behind him, sensing his tension, they know how these types of questions bother him.

"Excuse me, don't touch me" Louis says, shrugging his hand away, "I don't want to touch you" Liam replies with a laugh, trying to play it off as humour as he subtly shakes his head at Niall who furrows his brows and gives him a questioning look.

It's pretty obvious that Louis isn't himself right now; the interviewer notices and looks off camera to their management, getting a shrug in response. Typical.

Throughout the rest of the questioning Harry keeps flitting his eyes over to Louis, he's not too bothered about being caught, he'd rather make sure his boyfriend is okay; plus the fans would probably just say he's being a good friend, after all the other boys are also watching him. Mind you only the true believers would notice how Harry was doing it so much more.


When they're getting into their car later, Louis is quiet. Silently hating the people they work for, for not just letting them be together, really who gives a shit.

When they're all in and the doors are shut, he throws his legs over Harry's and holds onto his arm, resting his head on his shoulder. He closes his eyes to stop the constant blinding glow of the street lights that keep flooding the car everytime they pass from making his headache worse.

"Are you alright Lou?" Liam asks apprehensively, "exhausted" he replies, without opening his eyes. "We'll have a cuddle and you can sleep when we get to the room baby" Harry says softly, looking down at him.

Louis sighs and opens his eyes, looking up to him, "not that kind of tired haz" he mumbles before closing them again.


Louis frowns at Fred, one of their security team, as he gets out the car. He'd opened the door then quickly shut it when he saw his legs over Harry's, hurting his foot a little.

He walks past the crowd of fans, limping slightly but still with a big smile on his face, he doesn't want to let them all down by being mardy.

He's relieved when the elevator doors close though, he's finally free to hold Harry's hand, which he does.

"Thank god we're in a hotel tonight huh, can't wait to sleep in a proper bed" Harry says, lightheartedly. Only half joking.

"Yeah true" Niall laughs as they exit on their floor, "alright goodnight guys" Harry says, pulling Louis into their room and flashing a smile to them before shutting the door.

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