loved you yesterday, love you still, always have, always will.🪐

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Louis gets overwhelmed and has a panic attack - Harry helps him to feel better.

~ Slight daddy kink ~

"Guys somethings wrong with Louis" Liam says worriedly as he rushes into the living area of their penthouse hotel room.

"What do you mean?!" Harry asks, standing up quickly, "he's in your room...he's breathing weird" Liam says, "shit! You guys stay" Harry says, rushing past him and crashing into their room, "baby!? What's wrong" He asks quickly but calmly, sitting on the bed in front of Louis. He doesn't want to freak him out more.

"C-cant...b-breath" Louis chokes out, voice barely there over his heavy breathing, "okay baby I think you're having a panic attack" Harry says softly, Louis nods and lifts his hands to frantically wipe at the tears falling down his face.

"Alright, alright baby" Harry whispers, grabbing his hands and holding them in his lap, "look at me love" he says gently, Louis lifts his head slowly, making eye contact with him, "good boy, now follow my breathing, we'll take a breathe in for 7 seconds then breathe out until we count to eleven" Harry tells him.

Louis nods and squeezes his hands, the feeling of not being able to breathe making him panic more. He watches as Harry takes in a deep breath and shakes his head, "cant" he struggles to say.

"You can baby, just follow me as best as you can" Harry coos, "lift your hand to my chest, listen to my heart" he says, slowly bringing one of his hands to his chest, holding it over his heart, "feel that baby?", Louis nods slowly, sniffling a little "that's what we need to do for you, so follow my breathing and I promise you'll feel better".

Louis copies Harry's next breath, counting in his head to 7, once he gets there he continues to count as he breathes out, restarting the process when he gets to 11.

"Keep going boo" Harry coaxes softly, watching as his breathing slows slightly. He keeps going, keeping eye contact with Harry, who drops the hand in his lap and gently wipes away the tears that continue to fall

"Good job baby" he whispers once his breathing is pretty much back to normal. Louis breathes out a heavy breathe before letting out a soft sob, "oh baby, C'mere" Harry says gently, pulling him into his lap and holding him tightly.

"I fucked up" Louis mumbles sadly, "baby you didn't, your voice cracked once which wasn't your fault, the rest of the time you sounded perfect" Harry tells him, "that's not what the people were saying after, it was live and on the fucking tv" Louis cries quietly, voice muffled against Harry's neck.

"They were paps Lou, we all know that they're assholes. The fans didn't care and helped you sing, that's all that matters" Harry coos, "they were yelling so much, there were so many, so loud and bright" Louis sighs, "oh darling, why didn't you you come to me when we got here?" Harry asks.

"Wanted to go to you out there but I couldn't, by the time we got here everything was too much" Louis mumbles, "I wish things were different lou" Harry says sadly, "I shit" Louis whispers.

"Baby" Harry sighs, pulling back and lifting his hand to Louis' cheek when he moves his head to look back at him, "I love you my boy" he whispers, holding his chin with his thumb and forefinger, gently bringing their faces together.

Louis takes a sharp breath, flitting his gaze between his eyes and his lips, "did you wanna kiss me?" Harry whispers cheekily, pulling him forward and connecting their lips, kissing him languidly.

He slowly moves away from his lips, pressing kisses to his cheek, across his jaw and down his neck, stopping to nibble gently at the skin. Louis gasps, tilting his head, giving him better access and gripping tight at the soft material of his jumper.

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