only you can set my heart on fire ❤️‍🔥

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Louis fights with management and storms off. Harry comes back and takes care of him. As louis gets lower, Harry becomes more dominant, changing the dynamics of their relationship going forward.

~ ♡ daddy kink ♡ ~ frotting ♡ ~ subspace ♡ ~

Louis' smile immediately vanishes when he turns away from the crowd of fans, sighing as he pulls the door open and not caring when it swings shut behind him; banging loudly. Even though it makes him jump a bit.

He WANTS to cuddle up with his boyfriend. He NEEDS to go under, well he wants it too.. but he won't be back for some time, especially after all that and when he does return he won't be allowed to come in on his own, cause God forbid people think they're alone together.

He tugs off his jumper and tosses it onto his own bunk, leaving him only in his sweats as he climbs up to Harry's; burying his face into the pillow and breathing in before pulling the covers up to his chin. It smells like his Harry, and it's the best he can get right now.


Harry comes back with the other boys and frowns when he opens the door to an empty lounge area. After louis left, he figured he'd come back to the bus. He shushes niall as he rambles loudly about what they're gonna eat for dinner, assuming and hoping that Louis is asleep in the bunks somewhere.

He makes his way down the short hall, peaking behind the curtain over the bed and smiling with relief when he finds Louis asleep, tangled in the covers.

He shrugs off his jacket and tugs off his shirt, throwing them into louis' bunk. It's where most of their clothes go since he never sleeps in there, not that Harry minds.

He leaves himself in his sweats as louis had, gently pulling the covers back and climbing up to lay beside him. He watches as his brow furrows slightly before he quickly moves forward, nuzzling into his side when his subconscious recognises quickly, who it is.

He smiles again and strokes his hair gently, not wanting to wake him.


Louis awakens suddenly when the bus drives over a pothole in the road; gasping softly and sitting up.

"Hey, it's okay."

He turns and sees Harry looking up at him, flashing a warm smile. "Oh," he says, blushing a little with embarrassment."Hi," He mumbles, laying back down and nudging his head against his chest, arm wrapped around his waist.

"You were asleep when we got back lou" Harry says, "yeah..I was tired and frustrated so I came up here to get away and be with something that felt like you, even if it couldn't be you...I must've fallen asleep then." Louis explains, trailing off a little.

"You shouldn't argue with them, Lou," Harry sighs after a couple of minutes. "I know," Louis mutters sadly, "I just can't help it. Unfair treatment shouldn't be ignored, " he says.

"No, it shouldn't. But arguing just drives them to punish us more, " Harry tells him, "I know haz. "

"Especially you, louis, I hate seeing you get shit because you're trying to protect us all."

"They hate me anyway. They hate that I didn't stick to their dumb plan of breaking us up before. I might as well be the one to stand up for everyone, " Louis says, not looking up when Harry pulls back slightly to catch his eye.

"Look at me," Harry says, voice slightly pleading. It's a tone that louis can't help but listen to. He sighs and forces his body to shift upwards, resting his head on the pillows where Harry is.

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