little love🍬

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Louis starts his heat early while his mums friends older alpha son, Harry, is staying with them.

- daddy kink, alphaxomega -

"You're gonna be nice, aren't you Lou?" Jay asks as she peels potatoes, "why does he have to stay here?" Louis grumbles, leaning against the counter.

"Because he's back from university and the house is being renovated. Anne is my friend so I offered" Jay tells him.

"Also love" she says, putting the peeler down and facing him, "you know he's an alpha right?, where are you in your cycle?" She asks, "Jesus christ" Louis mutters, "alphas are always all over me mum" he sighs.

"I know. But you'll be fine honey, you used to be inseparable as kids so he's not a stranger, now answer me" Jay says, strict but still soft towards her only omega child. "Well i dont remember that i was a kid...", he catches his mum's eye and sighs, "a few weeks away can always come early" he mumbles, blushing a little.

"It can, but that usually only happens when there's a soul connection" Jay says, walking over to stand in front of him, "if anything makes you uncomfortable, you tell me immediately". Louis nods, "and if there's no connection but it comes early anyway?" He asks.

Jay places her hand against his cheek then on his shoulder, "you're my oldest baby and currently my only omega, safety is my top priority, if it does come early we will have to ask him to leave" she says.


"Louis, love. Get the door for me please" Jay shouts. Louis trudges down the stairs and opens the door. He's not exactly sure what he was expecting but it certainly was not coming face to face with possibly the hottest man he's ever seen.

He thinks he's the best smelling alpha he's come across, it's intoxicating. He just wants to jump on him and breathe him in forever. This could be a problem.

"Well... hi" Harry says, a smirk playing at his lips. His voice brings Louis back to reality, he clears his throat, blushing hard and steps back, bowing his head.

Harry walks in and closes the door behind him, stepping towards the omega and lifting his chin, "I'm Harry" he says politely, "L-louis".

"I know, nice to see you again" Harry says with an amused look, "y-you too" Louis stutters, willing him to keep his hand on his chin, he feels like he's on fire just from the touch of 2 fingers, and they're only on his face.

He is disappointed when he pulls his hand away, he wonders if its evident on his face and quickly does what he can to make himself look 'normal'. Harry notices though and smiles cheekily, before pointing to the doorway of the kitchen, "through here yeah?" He asks.

"What ?, oh..yeah" Louis says, unable to stop himself from staring. What the hell is the matter with him, he's never like this.
He follows him into the kitchen like a lost puppy.

"So, you remember Louis?" he hears Jay ask as he walks in, "you two were attached at the hip when you were younger, it's been a while though" she tells Louis when she sees him.

"Oh yes I remember" Harry says, looking at Louis as well, "you're 17 now right?" He asks, "uh..yeah" Louis breathes out, quickly turning his face away when he catches the look on his mother's face, he clears his throat again, "you're 21?" He asks, "yes, back from uni for a couple weeks, I suppose you'll be starting soon?" Harry asks.

"Yes he is, my clever boy" Jay says proudly, "in fact you'll be going to the same one so maybe you could look over him" she says, "yeah..of course" Harry says, smiling at her, sending Louis a wink when she looks away.

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