"i do love nothing in the world so well as you".🌌

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Late night sex
That's all x

It's past midnight when the boys finally leave the venue. They had to wait for the crowd of screaming fans to leave before they could.

The sneak past the remaining few groups, quickly getting into the car. As soon as they're in, Harry grabs hold of Louis' hand, letting him rest his head on his shoulder.

They chat quietly about the show on the ride to the hotel, discussing how it went and laughing about the different signs they saw, Louis was particularly happy about a sign dedicated to he and Harry, telling them they supported them no matter what.

It is nice to know that despite all of the efforts to hide the relationship and the shit they have to give the fans; thanks to their management, that people still support them and love them no matter what is thrown at them.

They're in love. Nothings gonna change that.

They have to seperate when they step out of the car, usually Louis would sass and cuss their security out for being over the top but it's late and he's tired, he just wants to get in bed, even if it is a hotel one.

As long as he's with Harry, he's happy.

They all check in together, quietly and tiredly stumbling into the elevator. Harry wraps his arms around Louis when he leans back against him and closes his eyes.

"Will you two quit, I'm too tired to even tell you how jealous I am," Niall says with a soft laugh, Louis flips him off without opening his eyes, making everyone laugh tiredly.

When the doors open, Harry keeps his arms around Louis, walking along with him. He let's go though, when they reach the door of their room, he has both of their keys because Louis will almost definitely lose his.

He opens the door, letting Louis in first, who thanks him softly and switches on the light before turning back to look at him. Harry closes the door behind them and walks over, pulling him in for a cuddle.

They stay together in silence, holding each other tightly. It's rare they can actually hold each other so the moments that they can are everything to them.

Thankfully, they have a 3 day gap in the tour, and they plan on spending every moment of it together.

"I love you," Louis mutters softly, "I love you too, Lou," Harry replies. Eventually, he pulls away and looks down at his boyfriend, "Let's go to bed, yeah?" He offers, Louis nods and lets Him take his hand, leading him to the bed.

"C'mere boo" He says, reaching out for him, "hate that name" Louis mumbles, standing in front of him, "you love it" Harry says with a smile, "arms up".

He pulls his shirt off, noticing the smile on Louis' face, "see" he says with a soft laugh, "shut up" Louis hums, still smiling as he watches Harry removes his own shirt.

He reaches out then, unbuckling Harry's belt for him, "thanks," he says with a smirk, pulling his jeans down and kicking them off before climbing into the bed.

"Give me a show then" he says, half laying down, wuth his back pressed against the headboard, looking up at Louis with a smirk, Louis laughs softly and flips him off, unbuckling his own belt with his other hand.

"Hey, you act like that but watching you undo that belt with one hand was enough for me" Harry teases, "fuck off" Louis laughs, kicking off his jeans.

"Get in here" Harry chuckles, pulling back the covers, Louis crawls into the bed, squealing and laughing when Harry grabs him and pulls him on top of him.

"Mmm hey" he hums, ghosting his lips against Harry's and grinding down once, smirking when he groans.

"Its late haz" Louis groans breathily, when Harry starts kissing his neck, "so?" Harry mutters against him, "i-im tired" Louis gasps.

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