Early bird gets the wood on🐦

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Morning sex ~ that's all.

Harry wakes up to the sun shining through the curtains. He turns to his side, propping himself up on his elbow, watching as Louis groans and chases his body, snuggling back against him, nuzzling into his chest.

"So beautiful", he utters to himself, running his hand up and down his back, he looks over to the clock and sighs in exasperation, fucking early interviews.

"Time to wake up Lou" he says softly, shifting back a little, Louis grumbles annoyedly, not opening his eyes, he moves closer, wrapping an arm around his waist to stop him from moving again, Harry chuckles softly, "We have to baby" he says, stroking his hair, Louis grumbles again against his chest.

"Mmm no" he mumbles "cuddle with me". And how can Harry say no to that. He slides down wrapping his arm around his waist, Louis tucks his head under his chin, nuzzling into his neck.

"We still have to get up at some point Lou, we have interviews today", Harry says after a few minutes, Louis groans.They lay like that for another 10 minutes before Harry speaks up again, "come on boo", he unwraps his arm and sits up.

"Leave me alone" Louis grumbles, he shuffles to lay on his stomach, resting his head sideways against the pillow, facing away from Harry, who laughs softly. He pulls the sheets down to Louis' hips, tracing his fingers lightly up and down his back.

Louis shudders, burying his face in the pillow, "hazz" he whines, voice muffled, Harry smiles, he knows Louis loves this, he can't stay grumpy when Harry does this and he knows that too, so he doesn't stop.

Louis huffs, flipping over onto his back, looking up at him, "I don't want to get up", he says with a pout, folding his arms, "I know baby, I wish we could stay here in our boxers and cuddle all day" Harry replies with a cheeky smile.

Louis reaches his arms up "one last cuddle?" He asks, giving his best puppy dog eyes, Harry leans down to cuddle him.

Louis jumps into action then, pulling him down and rolling on top of him, straddling his lap, "you fucker" Harry says, gripping his hips, Louis smirks, "I'll get up...on one condition" he says, "oh yeah? And what would that be?" Harry asks with a smirk, "I wanna ride you", Louis says with a shrug and an innocent smile.

"As much as I would love that, I don't think we have time", Harry tells him, Louis frowns for a bit, thinking. Suddenly an idea pops into his mind, he starts to grind down against him, "how about just this then? Quick and easy", he smiles, feigning innocence.

"Shit okay" Harry groans, "however-" he grips Louis' hips, "I'm the top here" he says, voice low as he flips them over so he's above him, dipping down to kiss him softly, "God I hate you" Louis groans as Harry grinds down, "shut up" Harry laughs out softly, moving to nibble at his neck, leaving a trail of bruises.

"Oh god that's gonna get me in trouble" Louis huffs, Harry let's out another small laugh, he leans down and tilts his head so his neck is exposed, "payback?" He offers with a smirk, Louis smiles and sits up a little to suck a bruise into his neck, "payback" he repeats.

Harry continues rolling his hips down, watching Louis throw his head back into the pillow as he moans softly, "God, I love you so much" he says, looking down at him adoringly.

Louis rolls his eyes fondly, "cheesy fuck" he says but quickly follows it with an "I love you too haz". He wraps a leg around Harry's hips in an attempt to find better friction, gasping softly when he does.

They continue on like that, soft moans and gasps filling the otherwise quiet room. Harry leans down, connecting his lips to Louis' who happily accepts the kiss, parting his lips when Harry runs his tongue along the bottom one, letting it into his mouth and lazily connecting it with his own.

Louis moans into the kiss, digging his fingers into Harry's waist before sliding them up his back, he pulls away from the kiss, looking up at Harry's swollen lips, and biting at his own before breathing out a shaky "fuck, I'm close".

Harry nods, dipping his head down, "me too love" he replies kissing at Louis' neck. Louis tilts his head giving him better access, not caring about the trouble they'll be in anymore and slides his other leg over Harry's waist, crossing his ankles.

Harry looks down at him with admiration,
" 'm so lucky" he hums softly, "hazz" Louis groans, blushing a deep red and burying his face against his neck, Harry smiles, "I'm gonna keep saying it because it's true" he says breathily, "s-so you say" Louis gasps against his skin, "stop it Lou, you're beautiful" Harry says.

Louis whines and nips at his neck, stopping to whimper a quick, "haz I'm gonna-", but Harry cuts him off, "I know babe, fuck, me too", he groans.

Louis leans back, crashing their lips together, moaning into the kiss as he cums, with Harry following quickly with a groan of his boyfriend's name before dropping down onto of him.

Louis drops his legs from his waist, cuddling him close and placing soft kisses against his neck. "God lou, I love you so much" Harry pants, Louis hums in respons, "I love you too love" he says.

They stay cuddled together for a while before Harry leans back, looking down at Louis, "we really need to get up and shower" he says with a soft laugh.

"for fucks sake" Louis groans, closing his eyes, smiling fondly as Harry laughs harder, pulling him up and off the bed,
"Come on baby" Harry says, lifting Louis and throwing him over his shoulder.

Louis shrieks, "put me down you great oaf" he grumbles. Harry laughs as Louis hits softly at his bum. He carries him to the bathroom, dropping him down gently before turning to switch the shower on.

"I hate you so much" Louis huffs when Harry turns back to him, He laughs and stops towards him, pinning him against the wall with his own body, one hand holding his waist, the other pressed against the door, just above his head.

"No you don't" he tells him with a smirk, "y-yes I do" Louis stutters, flicking his gaze between Harry's lips and his eyes, "then why do you look like you wanna kiss me?" Harry whispers, voice smug, "I can hate you and still think you're fucking hot" Louis replies quietly.

Harry laughs gently, before leaning in to kiss him, pulling down his sticky boxers as he does, palming his hand against him softly. Louis gasps, letting his head fall back against the door.

"Shower time" Harry says suddenly, pulling himself and his hand away, smirking. Louis groans, following Harry into the shower.

"When these interviews are over I AM gonna ride you" Louis huffs, Harry chuckles, "I'm okay with that" he says, "now how about I help with this" he adds, winking as he drops to his knees in front of him.

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