I'll love you every moment across time👨‍🏫

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Louis has a free period and decides to pay a visit to his favourite teacher - the one he constantly flirts with (college fic)
~ Daddy kink ~

Louis is constantly flirting with his English professor and honestly...a lot of the time he flirts right back, he's never given in to Louis though, but today he is gonna get what he wants.

Before the bell rings for the next class Louis sneaks into Mr styles' classroom, hiding himself under the desk at the front of the room. He's done this before, but Mr styles always catches him before the lesson begins, telling him to come out with a smirk and a wink.

Today is different though, his professor doesn't come to class early, in fact he's late, the students are already in class when he arrives.

"I'm sorry I'm so late everyone" He says, sitting down in his seat, Louis rolls his eyes fondly, overdramatic much, its been like 5 minutes. He waits for a little as he rambles on about some boring book, before he starts rubbing at his thighs, that's when Mr styles notices him for the first time, jumping slightly, "hi daddy" Louis mouths, Harry holds back a smirk.

Louis looks up at him with wide eyes, biting his lip, he drops his gaze down at what the wants, slowly looking back up licking his lips.

"Shit" Harry mutters quietly, "so, uh, writing assignment" the class groans, Harry takes the opportunity to look down at Louis, nodding subtly, Louis smiles excitedly, eyes shining, he quickly undoes his belt and zipper, pulling him out of his jeans. He practically starts drooling at the sight.

"y-you're gonna read the next chapter of the book" Harry stutters as Louis takes him into his mouth, "then I want you to write an essay, observing the chapter, talk about the characters, the plot, go into detail, just like the last time" he says, trying to keep his voice composed, "I'm gonna grade your last essays while you do that".

The class begin opening their books, muttering softly in annoyance, Harry knows they hate the essays, but school's school. He pretends to grade the papers, actually focusing on keeping his groans inside as Louis' mouth works him over, he laces his fingers In the boys hair.

When he feels close he tugs hard on the boys hair, pulling him off before "accidentally" dropping his pen on the floor. He bends down, grabbing Louis' jaw, firm but not enough to hurt him, "you naughty little fucker, you'd better prepare yourself under there cause after this class is done I'm gonna wreck you" he hisses quietly, "fuck, yes daddy" Louis whispers really quietly.

Harry bites his tongue to stop the groan that threatens to escape, sitting back up to begin actually grading the papers, they have got to be done after all.

After 10 minutes Harry decides Louis is being suspiciously quiet, he hasn't touched him or bothered him since he first sat back up, he moves his chair back slightly, glancing down at the boy.

'Holy fuck' he thinks to himself, biting down hard on his lip to stop any sound from escaping.

Louis is kneeling as best he can, one hand covering his mouth tightly, the other between his legs, riding 3 fingers desperately, he looks up at Mr styles through his lashes, rolling his eyes up in pleasure as he hits his prostate repeatedly.

Harry physically has to force himself to look away, cursing the fact he had tucked himself back into his jeans because the sight before him is making them feel even tighter than they already are.

The next time Harry looks down at him he's sitting on his legs in a kneeling position, both hands resting on his thighs, he had to stop otherwise he would've finished and he absolutely doesn't want that to happen unless Harry is enforcing it.

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