Ch. 52 ⭐

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Huda and Pooja were engaged in a heated argument about the sangeet. Evidently, they both wanted to dance to the same song, but vehemently refused to be partners with each other. In the living room, Alice, Jasper, Emmett, Renesmee, and Jacob sat on the opposite couch from them, utterly fascinated by the spectacle. They couldn't believe that people could argue so passionately over songs. With the sangeet scheduled for the next day, everyone had split into groups to prepare for their performances. The tension in the air was palpable as the two friends continued their spirited debate, completely unaware of the bemused audience observing their disagreement. 

Ali and Alekh observed the stubborn argument from the first floor, exchanging incredulous glances. "Why are they so stubborn?" Ali muttered in disbelief.

"You drama-queens! Why don't you just choose a different song instead of wasting time in this pointless argument?" Alekh called out to the arguing duo downstairs, exasperation lacing his voice.

"NO!" "NO!" Huda and Pooja retorted simultaneously, their determination unwavering.

"I give up." Alekh stated, raising his hands in surrender, frustrated by their insistence.

"Only one person can stop them now," Yudi commented, joining them with a bowl full of grapes in hand.

"Who?" Ali inquired, reaching out to take a handful of grapes from Yudi's bowl.

"Rajveer sir, of course," Yudi replied, offering some grapes to Alekh as well.

"Good idea!" Alekh nodded in agreement, realizing that Rajveer might be the only one capable of resolving this deadlock.

.... --- ....

Rajveer attempted to mediate the situation, his voice calm and persuasive. "Guys, please, try to understand. This isn't that important. Why are you arguing about it?" He was seated in the middle of Huda and Pooja, both of them holding one of his hands, desperately seeking his support.

The rest of the Cullens, Gunny, Shalini, and Naina also joined everyone in the living room, finding the situation oddly amusing. The elder Campbells had taken the Volturi hunting with them, giving the family some space to prepare for the upcoming festivities. The room was now filled with a mix of laughter, bickering, and the rustle of papers as the family members prepared for the sangeet.

"You know, Dr. Shalini, Rajveer and his cadets are the only senior-juniors I've seen that have such a strong bonding. Before this, I couldn't even imagine such a thing was possible in the military," Gunny remarked, his voice filled with admiration and pride.

"I agree. Captain sure has a really special bond with his super six," Shalini responded with a wide grin, appreciating the unique camaraderie among Rajveer and his former cadets.

Finally, Rajveer managed to convince the troublesome duo to perform together in the song they had been fighting over. He sighed with a small smile on his face, thinking, "Will they ever mature?" He couldn't help but feel fondness for their spirited disagreements. However, a realization struck him; these were the last few days he would be able to interact with them. After the wedding, he wouldn't even be able to meet them or spend any time with them. "I have full confidence that even if I'm not there, my cadets would turn out to be the best soldiers of the Indian Army. I may not be able to meet them face to face, but I'll definitely keep an eye on them. I'll make sure that they have very long lives as I protect them from the shadows," he vowed silently to himself, his determination unwavering.

Edward, who was playing the piano with Renesmee on the other side of the living room,  turned to give the man an encouraging smile. Rajveer returned his smile, understanding that Edward had heard his silent vow. They shared a moment of understanding.

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