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I hold my star necklace in my hands, can't help but smile as I reminisce over last night. It was perfect. Haven't been able to wipe the smile off of my face.

I look over to Wes, who's sleeping peacefully. Light of the morning sun illuminating his face. His sharp jawline prominent, his hair looks golden brown in this light. All soft and fluffy. I'm fighting the urge to run my hand through it. Don't wanna wake him.

His soft breaths is all that can be heard in the room. I continue staring at him, trying to piece together just how all of this happened. He came out of nowhere and flipped my life upside down in the best way.

Since my parents died, I've only ever wanted a normal life. Craved it more than anything. Steered clear from all things gang related. And then, I end up liking a gang leader which pulls me deeper into the life I so badly want to escape.

I thought that would make everything worse. But it didn't. For some reason, since Wes has been in my life, it's the closest to normal I've ever felt.

I've gone on dates, I've hung out with a group of friends, I've cooked (badly, but still), so many things I hadn't done before meeting him, I got to do.

I know that things can change. Everyday is a challenge in this lifestyle. But I don't want to think about the inevitable right now. I just want to enjoy the moment. Enjoy how it feels to like someone, the new relationship excitement. The awkwardness, the longing stares. I'm ready for all of it.

Wes stirs beside me, bringing me out of my thoughts. His eyes flutter open. A soft smile spreading across his face as he looks back at me.

"Good morning." His voice hoarse as he reaches out pushing some hair behind my ear.

"Good morning." I lean in, pecking his lips. I go to pull back but his hand rests on the back of my head, firmly yet gently pulling me back in and kissing me. The kiss is a little more passionate, but still sweet.

He smirks as he pulls away. Hand still on the back of my head to keep me close.

"Could get use to that." He smirks eyes now focused on my lips.

I sniff a laugh, playfully pushing him away.

"Anything in particular you want to do today?" Wes asks, pulling me closer to him. Arm comfortably around my waist.

I shake my head no. "Not really. I'm happy to do anything."

"Do you have plans? I know you have a job to do—"

"Not till tomorrow." He replies instantly. Looks down at the bed covers as if he's pre-calculating the said job.

"So—" face brightens as his eyes find mine again.

"I'm all yours." He grins proudly.

"Good!" I beam. Peck his lips just because I can now. Freely at that. Because he's my boyfriend. I love that I can kiss him whenever I want to. As much as I want to.

"Ready to be bombarded with questions from the twats downstairs?"

"By twats I mean my brother and two best friends." He clarifies.

"Yeah, let's do it." I giggle. Kinda excited for the groups eagerness to hear the details. I'm bursting to tell people. I've only told Jada so far. Didn't get to tell vee because we got in late, and my brother, well he's my brother. We all know how he is.

I can't wait to relay all of the details. I could talk about it for hours. How beautiful the restaurant was, how romantic dancing with Wes was, the necklace, his nickname for me, the whole speech he said about how much he wants to be with me. It was literally something out of movie.

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