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"Finally, what took you so fucking long!" Luca grumbles from his seat at the table as he watches Trey enter the kitchen at last, after all of us have waited a good hour for him.

"Or who, for that matter." I smirk over at him as he sits. Flips me off as he does so.

"Fuck off." He laughs, leaning back in his seat.

"I do recall seeing a brunette tip toeing to the bathroom last night." Kane states. Teasing smirk on his lips.

"You were an hour late to the meeting because you were busy getting your dick tickled?" Luca asks

Trey scrunches up his face in disgust.

"Ew man. Don't say that. That shit sounds nasty."

"Agreed." Kane adds looking as disgusted as Trey does.

"Don't be late to important fucking meetings!" Luca looks unamused.

"Alright alright. I'm here now. Just fill me in on what I missed." Trey places his arms behind his head. Slightly rolling his eyes in annoyance.

Luca let's out a deep frustrated sigh before pushing his laptop over to Trey.

"Our route for today." He points to the screen.

"Docks are quiet in the evening. All the boats come in at around 6 on a Saturday. So we get there for 9."

Trey nods, taking in the information.

"All we're doing—" he looks around at all of us.

"—Is the handover."

"So we go to the boat where dads stashed the product, check it's okay. Wait for the guy who's taking it to arrive, handover the boat and then that's it. Simple."

"Fool fucking proof." Trey slaps his hand on the table excitedly.

"Let's have a successful job tonight boys." I hold my own coffee mug up in the air and nod at them.


"Here." Sage smiles wearily as she hands me my gun. I can tell she's worried about this job. So I take the gun from her hands, slipping it into the waistband of my jeans and then reach out and cup her face with my hands.

I lower my head a little so my eyes meet hers. "I'm going to be fine." I flash her a warm smile. Feel sad as I see her smile back because I know ninety percent of it is fake. Don't like putting her in this situation where she's worried. Not after everything she's been through.

"You sure?" She asks softly

I kiss the top of her head, stroking her hair. "I promise." It's usually not wise to make promises like that when it comes to jobs. But this one will be fine. Nothing can go wrong.

"Okay." She musters up her boldest smile.

"See you in an hour." I kiss her gently on the lips and pull her into a hug. She melts into my arms. Holding me tightly. Feels like she doesn't want to let go.

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