06|The journey.

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•Author's POV•

The times Vidyut Mahajan used public transportation could be summed up in just a hand. It's very rare, there was no need for him to use them so you can't blame him.

And today as he rushes in through the thick, crowded railway station of Mumbai he's reminded of the journey that's still awaiting him.

It's going to be long.

Sure, but he could endure it for her.

When Esha had said she's going to use the local train, he'd been restless thinking about her safety until he found a way to buy a ticket and join her.

There was no way he's letting her use it all alone. Trains were unsafe according to him. Well, in general to an extent they were. No privacy, strangers all around and well, total noise pollution and a whole series of headaches.

He's still wondering how her father had allowed her to use this. If it was his daughter or sibling, especially sister, he'd have driven her till Pune but never let her use these. And why wouldn't he apply it to his future wife.

After all she was his to be, his responsibility.

Blowing a breath of relief as he finds the train still at halt after jiggling out through the packed human bodies, he looks at the compartments.

Where could she possibly be?

He didn't ask her about her reservation and he also didn't mind to know which compartment's ticket he had bought from the man paying him 5,000. All he hoped was the inspector, like most of the time, didn't come for inspection.

Well, not that it mattered he could always corrupt them with a few bucks. What actually mattered was finding her.

Calling her was an option and he, looking at the time that read 8:27 was already pulling his phone out.

Before he could click on the call sign and connect her to the line, a whoop came from around.

His name.

"Vidyut?" again, a high pitched voice filled with shock and yet barely audible with all the noise around called for him.

It should be her.

Esha was surprised? Come on! That's an understatement to what she's feeling right now. She's astounded, freaked out and totally out of breath at the view of him. The last expression could be at the view of him. She'd always left breathless and dazed by his presence.

But what mattered now was his presence here, in the railway station in front of her train. It's unbelievable. He has work, what could he possibly do here?

This is a dream, right?

Alas or Wow, no! Only if this woman knew how whipped the man is already for her.

They aren't even engaged. Barely met thrice, all formal, nothing intimidating but yet here they are.

Vidyut, the man who'd never taken a proper holiday leaving his work, was now abandoning an important day and meeting because his future wife was traveling alone and that for some reason made him restless and extremely conscious.

No, it's not like he doesn't trust her to keep herself safe. Of course he does, but he doesn't trust the people around to behave. Especially with the headlines he read regarding a woman being assaulted in the train last week.

All it takes for Esha to sling her bag and walk towards the entrance of the compartment to call for him, is the time that reads eight-twentyseven on her wrist watch. The train can start moving any second now and if he is here in search of her she can't be sitting still.

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