04| In-laws.

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Esha •

"Should I wear green or should I wear the lavender one?" I ask for the nth time into the phone.

"Esha!" The person who's my best friend on the other side groans in misery.

Defeatedly, I let my bum hit the soft mattress, a sigh leaving past me.

It's been almost an hour I've been shuffling through my whole wardrobe searching for a dress. But in the end, I come empty handed even when I have dozens of options.

Pathetic, I know.

But you can't blame me. I don't have anything to wear, man.

At times, I feel I should burn or dump half of the dress in the cupboard because it's of no use and there's no space in it too. But on contrast there are situation like these where the former theory sounds biased. When I want something, I have nothing.

Like seriously nothing.

Girly problems, right? Of course.

However, now it's my problem.

It was until I decided to call Tara to get some help, I thought. But the moment I did it, I regretted calling her in the first place.

"Have you gone deaf?" She sneers, annoyed. "I already said fifteen times, LAVENDER." She says in dead end.

Leaving a long sigh, I nod even though she can't see me. "Okay, lavender it is."

"Haa. If you ask again, I'm going to block you." With a threatening tone, she warns.

"I won't." I confirm. "And when are you going to be here?"

"Hmm." She hums,"I'll be there by seven." and says.

"You'll come, right?" I ask again, eyes narrowed.

Because the last time I called her for a meet, she ghosted at the last moment. It was just a movie date, I was mature enough to not hold grudges against her for it. But if she ghost me like that today, when my in laws were to be on a visit here, then that's going to be unforgivable.

She'd regret doing it for the rest of her life, I'd make sure of it.

"Yes daa, I'll come." I hear a soft smile there, when she uses her native tongue she's high on emotions. "It's my necessity to meet my jiju. I would have been there even if you didn't invite."

"I believed you." I say in a mocking tone.

"What? I'm serious." She says sounding extremely serious.

"Haa haa, aab phone rakh. I have to get ready." I smile. "My would be is coming."
(Yes yes, now hang the phone call.)

"Ungrateful bitch." She curses under her breath for me to hear.

Smiling broadly, I strike. "You, right? I know."

"Su-" before she gets to complete, I hang on her.

And as it always is, before I get to keep the phone aside, it rings again. Tara's name and photo flashes on the screen, smiling in trumpet for no reason, I decline it politely.

She'd be burning like a fireball, I can bet on that. But I could also deal with her later when she's here.

It's not foreign for us to bicker and roast each other time to time. Even though we are contrast to the normal kind of best friends, we still are best of friends to each other.

Leaving a sigh, I genuinely smile, get up from the bed, take the lavender churidar suit and make my way towards the ensuite bathroom of my room.

It's still six in the evening, they are supposed to be here by seven or eight. So I have a whole hour to get ready, and pretty well take my sweet time trying all the hairstyles I've saved on Pinterest until one turns out presentable.

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