25| Kiss my soul slowly

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• Esha •

I do my business in fifteen minutes and step out of the bathroom. A half naked Vidyut walks in with his pair of clothes which I try to ignore but in the end notice every bit of him. My only relief is, he doesn't comment on that, if he did, I'd burn all red. Once the distraction is out of sight, I enter the huge white closet. It has ceiling to floor length cupboards on two sides and vast drawers and racks on the other two. I still don't know what Vidyut used to keep on the now empty half part of the closet- if it was me I'd literally buy more things just so it gets filled in.

I decide to unpack all my things some other day after our honeymoon and direly focus on what I need to: that is ready out my dress and jewelry for tomorrow evening's function, pack a few clothes for the trip- because the flight is at eleven, right after the reception- decide on the go to winter footwear and accessories. It takes me more than I thought it would, especially because my husband is a neat freak, there is nothing out of place on his side and it already makes me uncomfortable.

I can't get every damn thing on point. I'm a mess.

I step out of the closet, smile at the warming sight of my husband sitting relaxed back on his side of our bed, focused on the iPad and gently shut the door behind. His attention shifts, me being the sole receiver of his calming gaze.

His eyes are like the treasure earth. Always so calm, comforting and dependable. It's his eyes that comforted me first before his touch, his gaze that soothed something in me I never knew needed warmth.

Like a moth to flames, I amble towards him, lay down on my side, our eyes never breaking apart. He keeps aside the gadget, moves closer to me, rests his palm on both the sides and sinks into the mattress making it dip under his weight and watch me, unblinking.

"Did I tell you I miss the nose ring on you?" He perks, closing the gap between our faces.

After wearing the huge naath for the whole day yesterday my nose had itched and demanded freedom and I've granted it by not wearing back my nose ring this morning.

I wrap my hands around his neck, like the way I love because he quickly warms against my touch and shakes my head. "You didn't."

He rests his forehead against mine, my eyes flutter closed and I sink into the strong spicy scent of his cologne. A subtle touch of cinnamon with strong other hot spices.

His body is soft, his eyes are soft, even when it's technically strong, his scent is also soft and soothing to me.

Ooh this man, he could be the strongest for the world and yet when he's beside me I'd find him to be the softest person I've ever been with. Even when he's cold outside, I'd melt like a lit candle for him, in whose fire I find solace. If not him, I'd have never felt what home in a person felt like.

"I know you love them." I mumble against his lips.

He chuckles and flicks his nose against mine. "You shine in them."

"I do?" My eyes blink in surprise. No one has ever said that to me.

"You do." His lips touch my nose. "Like the star that shines, it shines in you and you shine in it."

"So poetic you are." I awe, my eyes washing over with adoration.

"In front of you every poem I write would fade."

I laugh softly.

Talk about this man being romantic, he'd put any of the fictional guys I obsessed over into shame.

"Kaha se laate ho aap ye lines?" I sigh, looking into his eyes. (Where do you get these lines from?)

Vidyut buries his face against the curve of my neck, inhales a breath leaving me breathless and presses his lips between my collarbones.

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