39| Divine Desires

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Warning : mature content ahead ~ 



She lies beneath me like an art spread on canvas, spread on my sheets with nothing on her body, completely nothing. The art of the master who's slave I surely am, with each passing moment. Her smooth, velvety skin glistens under the warm hues like a seafoam under the moonlight. A nymph, an art of heavens and a secret from myths.

Too beautiful. Utterly mesmerizing. Beyond words could ever contain.

My eyes defy blinking.

How can they when God's most precious and perpetual creation is the sight to behold? How can they look away from the most beautiful art it has ever seen? How do you expect these orbs that crave for her sight day and night, like an artist craves for expression, like an addict craves for high, to find a fill and avert?

It's foolish to think. It's impossible to act on. At least for this lifetime.

Because her beauty can never be contained in my memory through my eyes. The beauty is such that my memory shall fall short for it. She's created as such.

To be admired. To be cherished. To be praised. And to be yearned for.

So my fingers go for another quench to memorize her. The tips caress her curves and contours like a swift sway of wind. Her breath, shallow and quick, her eyes shuts and I stare at her in awe.

Because there's something so mesmerizing about the way her eyes fall shut. There's something so captivating about the way her lips fall apart to sigh or chant my name. There's something utterly fascinating and sophisticating about the way her body reacts to my touch.

"Vid," She breathes, her back curves like a wave of the ocean as my fingers lower between her legs and drenches in the wetness that coats her fold.

I cup her in my palms and feel the leaking heat. She throbs against my skin as I bountifully trace the delicate and overlay sensitive contours of her melting heat. It earns me the sweetest yet the most seductive reactions: her thighs clamp against my palm, she moans and sighs in delight, her eyes fill up and hands threads into my hair in encouragement. My fingers traverse the sweet heaven: draw aside the swollen folds that melt like petals under the rain against my skin, and with an ease of silk on skin, my tips glide towards the hood of her clit, and feathers softly. Her body visibly shivers with a sigh and hips buckle forward.

My lips curve into a smile at her desperation. I tease the edges, outer area, just not touching the clit yet and press my nose against her throat, inhaling a breath of her skin. "You like my fingers, huh?"

"God." She breathes through her mouth and sighs in exhilaration. Her fingers clutch my hair and draw my face towards her neck. Half choked and breathless, comes her voice, "I love them, Vid. I love them."

And I love how vocal she's about her needs and desires. It's a big-time turn on that she's utterly responsive in bed- thanks to her sensitivity- but the fact that she knows what exactly she wants and feels comfortable enough to put forth puts me on the edge.

"What else do you love?" I whisper into her ears as my fingers glide inside her clenching core with a delicate precision that makes her tremble with a moan.

She throws her head back, her back arches like a bow and those tempting breasts embellished with my bite marks snug against mine. The pebbles poke my chest and I sigh, already missing how it felt between my lips, all mine to savor. The softness of those mounts makes me rock hard as if I'm already not.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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