03|Coupley Things.

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-Author's POV-

Is it possible to concentrate on something for two seconds (act like concentrating) and then turn away to something else for a beat and turn back again after stealing a glance of the tempting thing?

Human in this case.

If the answer is no, then jokes on you! Because the two comfortable in awkwardness people has been doing it for a while.

Vidyut who's been driving through the busy roads of the city and Esha, his future wife had been playing a sought of hide an seek for a while now.

The latter among them, who was quite engaged on her phone texting her best friend earlier is now very professionally acting to be busy on the device, but that is while also making sure to steal glances of the man beside her time to time whenever he's busy on the road, which is alot of time.

But if you think the man who's already half on his knees for this woman is sitting keenly concentrating on the road then that would be foolish too. It is inevitable for him to do so, to only look at the road and to not steal glances at her time to time.

But thankfully, both of them had found a rhythm keeping them out of embarrassment.

Esha would look at her phone screen for a whole ten seconds and the next three she'd look at him from the corner of her eyes. And he would follow the que and take his fill of three seconds and then turn back to the road for the next ten.

The coordination they had was better than most of the well practiced dance groups.

Such a telepathic couple they were.

The silence filling the void of the car was not much of an uncomfortable one it was finely comfortable to both of them.

Soon after the blabbering Vidyut had done, Esha's phone had gone off numerous time like galloping across Europe with texts from her bestfriend like who came like a bolt from the blue.

That had put an end to any conversation Vidyut wanted to start with her. He had alot to ask, but for now he chose none.

But with time ticking, Esha felt harder to keep quite. She was a blabber head and a very good overthinker too. So there was no way the horses of her head would stay calm.

It could be termed as coincidence, couple math or just the telepathy but, it sure is something between them that both said their first word together.

"Is it your-"


First time in a short while both their heads twisted towards each other at the same time. Eyes filled with amusement with a smile tugging their lips, they blinked at each other waiting for one another's reaction.

And next moment at the same time both had their head twisted on the opposite side, looking out through the window as they let out a chuckle.

Resting his elbow against the window sil and scratching the corner of his lips in an attempt to calm the sudden chills he got just listening to her soft mellifluous chuckle, he composed himself back, ready to listen what she had to say.

Pulling a little of her free hair forward in the hope that, it will help her cover her heated up tomato red cheeks, she turned her head back to face him.

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