38| Beneath the Stars of Passion

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~ Warning: mature content ahead ~



I sprawl in the middle of the plush queen-sized bed, where moments ago, my husband eased me with the care of the world. My eyes gaze at the night sky adorned with little twinkling stars, visible through the transparent glass ceiling of the yacht's bedroom while my chest heaves and I struggle to breathe. The frantic rhythm of my heart reverberates in my ears, accompanied by the gentle sway of the sea below. My trembling palms find home on my chest, my fingers delicately playing with the black beads of mangalsutra and my frenzied head forming an empire of its own imaginations and needs.

The memory of the moment we shared a while ago reels in my mind on a loop like a broken, shattered record. The feeling of warmth his palm emits to my skin, the solace his arms give to my body, the tingles his long fingers leave as they trail off, and more over anything the press of his hardness against my core still lingers in me, fresh and happening, sending shivers down my spine, waking each of my body hair and making my core throb and folds drench.

It sets me off.

The anticipation, the thrill, the yearning, the longing, and every other thing that's happening inside me sets me off on different levels.

It leaves my throat dry as desert and my mind showers with a rain of imagination.

I clench my thighs trying to tame the throb of my clit and minimize the wetness. My eyes fall shut and I inhale a deep, harsh breath trying to get back straight. But it doesn't happen. Rather the feeling intensifies and I feel hot. So hot that I feel sweat coat my body making the already high heat get worse.

"God, where in the hell you, Vid?" I blow out a breath and rise from the bed in the hope of subsiding the wreck happening in me.

But who was I kidding?

For, there was no way this would find an end without him. For me to find the needed peace in my life from here I need this man and that at this point is a universal truth.

I yearn for him like a sailor who seeks the guiding star in the night sky, like a puzzle awaits its missing piece.

I yearn for his hands, on every part of me, my face, hair, body, heaving breasts, galloping belly and clenching core. I yearn for his lips and tongue on mine and also for it to take my whole body into a spell he'd taken my heart and soul to, each inch, nook and corner, every known, unknown, said, and unsaid part, I need him.

I feel the need in my gut and soul that I fear I'd melt down and merge with the shatters around.

It's too hot.

I blow another breath and pull off my heels. It has been torturing my toes for a while, I can't wait for him to come and unwrap me off it, that fantasy of mine could wait for now.

Wiggling my toes with a comforting sigh, I walk up to the full-length mirror beside the huge window and look at myself.

There's no need, I know, it's obvious that it's just a matter of minutes before I'd be off everything and butt naked, hopefully. And yet, I make sure I look the best I can. I've taken time to get ready for him. I love doing that. I've done the little rituals every woman would do before going to their man, precisely their lover.

I've wiped off each inch of my body hair, taken a long-ass luxurious bath, and made myself a mini soft scent shop, with each part of my body having different scents of perfume. That's one of my experiments, one inspired by the ever-prominent Kamasutra. It is an innocent act but surely a powerful one in the world of pleasure.

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