30| Dreams Do Come True

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Mornings have never been Esha's favorite, she hated it and now it was her enemy for it snatched her husband away from her leaving her confined in pillows fauxing his presence for her warmth. She despised it- waking up alone on the bed unlike the last two weeks and more than that she was annoyed that she felt so low just because of it.

How can one become so accepting towards a new change loomed in her head like stars. That's absurd. She knew it. But then again we were talking about her husband, it's only a surprise if one isn't obsessed with him.

Whatever be it, the man was pro-overly protective, hands down to him for making pillars of pillow around her like she's a toddler who'd turn around and fall. Did he mistake her for one? Only he knew.

She yawned, hugging the pillow that smelt of him to her chest, now fully awake. She abruptly wished they were still back on their honeymoon. It's the first day after they'd landed and she already missed having him only to herself.

After missing his body warmth for a few minutes she'd woken up like she'd been alarmed and later going back to sleep was not in her even when the time literally read six-ten on his digital clock.

Ergo, she combs her bird nest of hair back neatly and pleats it ready to go down and prepare breakfast. Courtesy of bird nest- her husband. Vidyut loves threading his fingers into her hair and she lets him do what he loves to even when she's to suffer in the morning.

Can't blame her, who wouldn't love being put into sleep with gentle strokes against their scalp? Feeling cared and nurtured? Not her, never her.

Putting away the comb and skin care products back on the shelf, she makes her way down the stairs for the kitchen, shutting the door to their bedroom gently. On reaching the second last stair of the flights, she sees him walking back inside through the main doors.

The olive green t-shirt sticking on to his body like a second skin, the drenched in sweat parts highlighting his built body abs and muscles, his jet black hair a tangle of wild vines.

Esha's tongue on its own darts out to her lips, giving it a much needed sweep of wetness. On period or not, this man always turns her on and ignites the flames in her body like that's the need of the hour.

On noticing his wife drooling over him, stuck in the same spot for a while now, he grins like a cat that got the cream and ambles forward towards where she's still stuck lost in the train of thoughts.

"Good Morning, sweetheart." he leans against the base of the handrail, arms folding against his chest, looking at his wife with a gaze as tender as the moonlight.

Shaking off the daze, she clears her throat and climbs the last two steps with a smile. "Morning, sweetheart."

"Why is my owl up in the morning?" He perks a teasy brow.

"Heard that early bird gets the worm." She shrugs, her eyes indicating the hidden meaning of her words.

An amused smile blooms on his lips. "I am the worm, huh?"

"Maybe?" She shrugs her shoulders nonchalantly, and prepares to walk ahead.

Before she passes him, he stretches his arm forth and gets a hold of her wrist.

"Vid no," She protests, rooted in her spot not going closer to him. "You are bathed in sweat!"

"So you'll not hug me?"

"Eww!" Her face scrunches dramatically. "Of course not."

"Ooh yeah?" His brow raises in challenge, his foot taking steps ahead.

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