14|Is it a lot or is it all?

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A/N: The chapter posted a while ago was the unedited first draft of the chapter. The saving process of the final draft was glitched by Wattpad.


Each time I glance at my left hand, which is too frequent today, I'm reminded of all the events that happened last night. Twenty-four hours and a few minutes ago, I was officially engaged to Vidyut. And in the next ten days, we'll be married. Like literally married, as husband and wife, that too in Udaipur, surrounded by the lake Pichola all around.


The scroll invitation for our wedding that sits on my nightstand instantly warms my heart, and even with the coldness confined to the walls of my room, I feel an imaginary blanket called Vidyut cover me whole.

How did I get so lucky? A question I constantly ask myself. Every time I meet him, I'm obliged to ask that of myself and the creator. Because each time I meet him, talk to him, or even think of him, the gravity of the pull I have towards him intensifies. Like the different poles that attract each other, it escalates, creating an escapade of the ethos of life, an elevation to my heartbeat, feelings, and every single hormone. He waves like the untamable sea in my being.

Sighing softly at the forefront of feelings and thoughts that occupies my head and captivates me, I lean my head back to the headboard of my bed, let the music fill in my ears and stare at my scrapbook, where I've just stuck the pictures from last night, jotting down the moments into memories.

There is a candid picture of me and Vidyut while we exchanged rings, one when we danced and two with everyone. The first one however, tethers my thoughts to the kiss he placed so softly on my ring last night. It was unexpected but much anticipated. And that small gesture is so deeply imprinted in me like a holy chant that even as I breathe, I feel his soft, subtle mustache trickle against my knuckles, his lips grazing my finger, and it still erupts butterflies in my tummy. A whole lot of them.

"Eshaa!" I sigh defeatedly.

Pushing my hair back and twisting a bun out of it, I blow a heavy breath out and stand off from the bed because the more I sit unchained from any task, the deeper his thoughts chain me. So to liberate myself from all the mushiness of it, the rescue I found was a distraction through chores.

This morning and noon passed on with less of his occupation in my head since I had a meeting Vidyut arranged for me with the wedding planners and was busy discussing the arrangements, decorations, catering menus, and other stuff with them. My future husband has given me all the freedom to choose as I wish. Not that I could nag him; he is in flight mode. Yes, to New York for his business purposes.

However, he'd also assured me I could text or call him anytime to ask anything, or rather, he'd compelled me to do so as soon as he'd hit the land.

Which I'm still waiting for.

The flight left at five in the morning from Mumbai. Vidyut did leave me a text before boarding the flight. Last night, as he informed me about this, he'd also mentioned that he'd call me once he reached there-even before I could ask him to do so. While nodding at it and saying bye, I so wanted to cup his sharp jaw in my palms and kiss him goodbye, but in the end, I chose against it and waved him with my hand like a toddler.

I know, I'm pathetic.

Entering my walk-in closet, I leave another sigh and coil on the floor with a thud dramatically, seeing the mess I've made here. All my clothes are out of the cupboard; some are on the floor, some are half-hung and crumbled, and a few, still inside the shelves. Courtesy me and Tara discussing, slash, choosing what all I should take along with me to my new house.

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