29| Merry Christmas

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 • Vidyut •

I don't remember the last time I had planned a surprise or day for someone all alone. All the birthday parties or any parties at home are planned by both Aditya and me, we work as a team at home. I do the fifty and he does the other fifty. Last we planned was Ivaan's eighteenth birthday. The wedding of ours was just my initiation, the planning credits goes to my wife and planners, I was just a part. So now having taken the step ahead in planning our first ever festival together, a whole day in favor of my wife, I feel jittery even at the thought.

Will she like it? Was it even a good plan? Have I just ruined the day before it started? And so many other questions loom in my head like the planets around the sun.

The only relief is we are in Switzerland and I've a good knowledge about the town and places here. I've stayed in Switzerland for four months during the renovation and reopening works of the hotel we acquired five years back for on-site inspection.

Planning was not an uphill battle however, executing can be to some levels.

"Vid, can I wear your white turtleneck sweatshirt?" My wife calls for me from the dressing area of our cottage breaking my chain of thoughts.

"My white sweatshirt?" I probe to make sure I've heard it right.

"Yeah, yours." things scramble in the background. "You mind?"

"Of course not." I've never shared my things with anyone other than my siblings, especially not a woman- so there goes my another first.

A while later she steps out in white long moncler jacket, my white turtleneck tucked in her white jeans, sticking to her body given to its elastic material, highlighting the padded bra and her round breasts. Since last night my eyes on her body, especially her breasts, have increased tremendously. After all there is a limit to hold on and her words and actions last night was the final undoing for me.

I've held it back for both our goods but now holding back feels like grasping at straws.

"Men." she mutters under her breath mostly as a comment to my shameless staring and turns around.

"That was sexist." I call back, rising from my position on the bed and walking to where she stands.

Her shoulder raises and drops, eyes meeting mine in the mirror. "Never saw women staring at boobs with so much interest."

"I don't stare at every passing woman, sweetheart." I wrap my arm around her waist, pull her into me and another around her chest, rest my chin on her shoulder as one of my palms relax against the top of her left boob, threatening to pass the safe line.

The honey browns come to flames in her eyes as she scans my hand on her chest.

Grazing the tip of my nose against her neck and jaw, I watch as crimson coats her cheeks, the brown of her eyes flames to life scanning my arms above her heaving mounts and she parts her lips to drag a slow breath.

"I only stare at what's mine." I press an open mouthed kiss against her neck, my hand confines the soft bouncy flesh of hers and she moans. Her eyes fall shut, body shudders into me, hands swiftly go for my neck while the other threads fingers in mine. "And you are mine." I murmur into her ears with finality, voice weighing heavy in desire and surety, my hands fondling her breast slow, soft but surely sweetly given to her expression and response.

It takes her a moment to open her eyes back, hooded in burning yearn and desire she looks at me through the mirror, and finding a stance she comments haughtily, "That's objectifying."

Her eyes and cheeks still betray her words showing how much she'd liked my words.

"But you like it." I shoot a snobbish and lordly smile, get hold of her chin and tilt her face gently to meet her eyes directly. Her hand quickly moves towards mine that holds her neck and eyes graze my lips as I do the same.

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