35| Silent Strain

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Vidyut had only two paths right now.

Either breakdown and have a complete emotional melt down or burst out all the pain and dread in him through anger and blow up everything that's left calm. He's hurt that they lied to him, but more than hurt he's furious that all the way knowing how much it triggered him, had they gone to car racing that could risk their lives and well being.

He wanted to shout at them, at her, give her a piece of his brain and make sure she understood why he was so furious and frustrated over them.

But he hasn't done it yet.

He couldn't do it.

Not when his emotions were still all over the place and his patience had ticked.

He was a very patient man- until he wasn't.

Once the line of limit drawn on sand broke, his temper control did too and he knew it. That had been the reason he hadn't had a conversation with Esha last night when she'd tried to make one. With a heated mind all he could do was blow up and make things worse.

The looming headache didn't go away in the early morning as he thought it would, even though he knew it wouldn't after not getting a proper night's sleep. He'd woken up early in the morning even before his alarm went off and hopped out of the house to follow his usual routine. All the while last night played in his head on loop.


Even with heart on her sleeves and constant kicks in the gut that makes her sick in anxiety and nervousness, Esha walks into her room like the usual with his cup of tea to see him all dressed- not the usual sight.

He flicks his eyes at her for a brief second. Her guts fall to a new low, she musters up a faint weak smile which he smoothly ignores and continues combing his hair.

She blinks utterly confused and half heartedly regretting her decision of coming here. She hasn't feared her principal or the witchy hostel warden during her first first year as much as she now feared her husband. Not fear-fear that he'd hurt her, just a fear that hugs her and makes her tummy flip at his cold stare.

"Your chai." She mumbles in the air lowering the cup to the ottoman and notices an empty cup of black tea. "You had one already.

He dismisses the subtle dip in her voice, even as it tugs at his heart, and proceeds with his own tasks, diverting his attention to the phone in his hand.

His silence, weighs heavy on her, like a slow, restless poke, inflicts an uncomfortable burn upon her skin, gradually intensifying until her heart clenches and beats unrooted and it becomes unbearable to her.

Desperate for relief from the suffocating silence, she begins, "Vid, I—" only for her words to fall dead as he obliviously raises his phone to his ear, engaging in conversation with his secretary.

Clutching her sweaty palms together, she releases a resigned sigh, perching on the armrest of the cushioned chair. Her fingers fiddle with utter anxiety as she observes him continue talking, seemingly oblivious to her presence or even her existence at this point.

"You didn't wear your tie," She acknowledges softly as the phone call ends, hoping he would let her help him.

He glances down at himself, realizing the missing tie, and shrugs his shoulders, unbothered. "I'm the CEO, not a school-going kid. I have choices, in case you didn't know," he retorts.

The chilling coldness in his voice as he speaks, as if addressing a meddling stranger rather than his wife, constricts her throat, leaving her gasping for air as tears gather in her eyes. With a soft gulp, she nods. "Okay."

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