32|Serene Sunshine

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Tucked away behind the charming mansion I live in like a princess, flourishes a paradise of flora. A riot of colors spread across acres of land in the name of the home garden until the next house, The Mahajan Mansion.

There is everything- towering age old trees stand still and proud in its glory, their branches even today adorned with verdant foliage and delicate blossoms provide a peaceful canopy overhead, dappling the garden with the sways of sunlight and shade. A chromatic explosion stretches throughout, fiery oranges, rich purple, rose red, pale white, pastel pinks, with each step a new color of blossom greeting my eyes. Clusters of daisies, lilies, roses, sunflowers, jasmine and numerous other flowers- whose name I don't know- sways gently in the breeze of the warm morning.

I twirl, looking around in wonder at the heaven personified in front of my eyes.

I've been seeing this beautiful place since day one, especially since this is the view my library gives, but never have I found myself stepping out into here to take a look and enjoy it. You can't blame me, I'm either too busy with my things or lost in my man or the fictional men I read about.

It's a tough task to manage finding time for myself.

"How is it?" The man who is the reason I'm finally here enjoying the beam of sun falling on my face perks a brow from the other corner.

"Daddu," I beam like a kid because I honestly feel like one, one that lives in a cottage by the meadows. "It's literal heaven."

He laughs freely and beckons me towards him with a hand wave. Smiling , I make a merry way to where he stands by the little pots on the other end and wait for him to continue.

"There, a baby tomato." He points out the little red ball hidden in the veins of leaves and steam.

My eyes scrunch in awe and I extend my hands out to touch it. "This looks so cute."

"You can pluck it." He advises, inspecting its leaves.

"Really?" I frown at him worried. The tomato looks too small to be plucked off from the plant and too cute too.

He chuckles and nods. "Yes, it's a baby tomato."


I look back at the small plant and then at the tomato before extending my hand out again and gently pulling off the tomato.

"Shabash!" daddu claps his hand like I won a world record and had not plucked a small fruit he grew. "Now follow me, I'll show you the wonder of my wonderland."

He walks eagerly in excitement and I follow him with the same excitement. He shows me around, introduces each and every plant and bush there is to me like one would introduce their friends. He tells me about the features and characteristics, even the years he'd planted them.

Daddu talks about each of the flowers with so much love and adoration that I stand in awe listening to him with all my heart. There are more than just a fine number of varieties growing here under his care, but the column of lilies, jasmines and sunflowers stand out like the pillar of the place and imprints into me with a depth I thought no flower ever could have.

I've always loved flowers for its aesthetic beauty and inducing fragrance. Never had I ever connected to a flower so deeply, at least not until today, that I'd honor the person I love with them.

Like he does.

To honor the memory of his wife, son and daughter-in-law through the beauty and symbolism of these delicate blossoms, it becomes not just flowers but their resemblance to him.

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