08|Wishes one by one

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~ Hoping this will help a little with the mental state of us, who saw the match's run rate go from 7.89 to 4.09 and then a terrific end too.

But nevertheless a round of applause for our men in blue, they did give us happy smiles and made us proud throughout the tournament. Let's smile at the fact that they were into the finals :) ~


Love has been something I was never deprived of- platonic love, that is. And love is also something I've watched and experienced from afar, as it lived on between my parents.

My mom and dad have had the most chaotic love story I've ever heard of. Hailing from the south and north, falling in love for each other with no bounds, enduring every hardship society threw at them with their pure emotions and feelings for each other, they've always been a beautiful example for love, joy, happiness and togetherness.

From the day they got together, until their last breath, they never stayed apart. Just kept their promise to each other, we say. They loved each other a little more than any one of us that they left together, leaving us on our own. That was how deep their love went on.

As a boy who'd grown up watching them, I too had, no strike that, I still have expectations from relationship, love and companionship. Maybe not as feverish as them, but still I do.

I do want to feel what they felt. Live the way they lived, just happy at each other's company no matter the world. There was a different world they lived in and from a very young age I have wished to have that.

Then why didn't I look around for love?

Mom always said, love knocks at the door when it's time.

I waited. A long time. Then before I could go searching and knocking for a love in my life, a huge storm knocked at my door. Love? No. But yes, responsibility. Even heavier and fragile than love.

My mother always used to say, raising boys is kind of zig-zag, we just didn't have to keep them safe in the world, we also had to keep the world safe from them.

The first time I understood what it meant was when I knew I had three young men or rather boys looking up at me. Looking at me for an example, as a superior. And I knew, I couldn't let them down no matter what. My yearn for finding love for myself took the backseat and the urge to keep the family my parents built with all their love and sacrifices, took its upright position.

I have had no regrets. In fact I loved the new distraction work and the pressure it bought me.

And as of today, now, looking at the photo Esha took of us yesterday, at the restaurant we stopped for lunch, I have no regrets at all.

Rather I feel relieved and happy that she's the first woman who's ever been close to me on this level.

Hopefully the last one too.

Looking at the face glowing with happiness, a smile bloomed on my lips.

Her inner beauty and sunshine nature is unmatchable.

A knock resonates through my cabin startling me. Quickly locking the screen of my phone, I sit back straight, clear my throat, straighten my tie and call for the visitor. "Come in."

As expected, my secretary, a young woman in her early twenties wearing a white plain shirt and bodycon skirt, steps in.

"Yes, Ms.Sharma?" I frown.

"Chairman asked for your presence at his office, Boss." She informs, her hands going behind her back.


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