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 • Esha • 

I have seen several beautiful views in my life. The views that bring a feeling of warmth and peace in you. The one that feels like an assurance, a promise for a better tomorrow, a spark of hope and a rigorous amount of joy. And the fact that just one sight of something, someone- even a stranger- or the serene nature can be the reason for it is so surreal. I have encountered those over the years. Times when I found happiness in not me rather things, people and places around me, I found solace in those.

Even now, in the confines of the hotel room I am to spend the next two nights with my husband I feel solace, a peace, a joy. Only difference this time, it is not the happiness of others that brings me smile, it is not the smile of them that brings me joy, it is not the beaming sun or the setting one that brings me joy rather it is the man I married who now sleeps so peacefully that brings me joy.

He's still in a baby blue sweatshirt and white trousers, his black soft hair tousled and free. The timbers of eyes that take me into a spell of life, closed softly, his breathing slow and soft. He's always soft, peaceful and calm like the soft wave that hits the shore with the intention of only and only giving warmth to the people.

Like he's to me.

I am a mess and he's so composed within himself. I am unsure of everything I feel and he's definite with each of things and words he spells. My mind is a chaotic composition of different confusing elements and his always appears to be a beautiful gallery of thoughts, ideas and understanding. In a way, I am the total opposite to who he is. There is barely something common in us- like his dirty words and my dirty mind. We don't even prefer the same beverages but yet, I want him, feel a connection with him more than life itself.

Sighing softly, I hang my towel on the hook and drop on the free side of the bed.

He's fast asleep, no wonder. He hasn't slept a wink during the thirteen hour night flight to Amsterdam. It's only humanly that he's deep asleep now that he found a bed. I don't know what it is that makes him sleepless during flights and travels, however it does take a toll on him mentally and physically.

Leaning forward, I push back a few strands away from his forehead and run my fingers through his soft jet black locks and smile feeling the smooth glide of his medium length tresses against my fingers. I have so wanted to do this. His hair has always attracted me towards him. Well, that is a little lie because everything about him has attracted me towards him like a magnet and still does. But hair holds a special place. It is kind of a weakness for me. Smooth, straight, velvety and just so heartwarming to touch, feather and feel.

Why is everything about him so soft?

Resigned, I lean further and press my lips against his forehead. My eyes fall shut, a wave of emotions takes over as the fact that this man is very much mine wooshes in me like a truck and hits in the gut.

"I've never been so confident about anything in my life as much as I am about you, Vidyut. Thank you for being the best I could ever have." I murmur into his ears like a secret, my fingers still caressing his addictive tresses. "You might be falling for me, but ooh love, I'm deep down for you. Drowned in the ocean and I never want to find a shore."

There is no response, I knew there wouldn't be any. But yet I had to say it out aloud for me to hear more than him. I could tell him another time, when I know I am not alone where I am like the olden times.

Pressing another kiss to his lips' corner, I crawl towards the end of the bed, gently pull off his socks, draw the blanket over our bodies and lay back on my side facing him. My eyes never leave his face, it doesn't intend to any time soon nor do my fingers stay back under the blanket, it goes on caressing each of his features; the lashes, the nose, the thin strip of facial hair above his lip, the softness of his lips under my thumb, the sharp cheekbones and jaw and everything in him that is sheer majestic and godly.

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