33| Firsts Of Many

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"Vid," I hold his hand and halt him as he adds another roti onto my plate.

He meets my eyes with a frown. "What?"

"That's enough." I declare looking at my already filled plate. I've been eating more than I usually ate earlier- before my marriage- these days. Since the day I stepped into this house, my unhealthy eating habits have vastly come to a halt.

I've never been diagnosed with an eating disorder. But with the use of my brain I knew I was never a healthy eater. Breakfast was not something I prioritized- it was brunch, since I woke up late. I had no proper mealtime, when I did eat I ate just for the moment and later relied on snacks, the only thing that's constant in my diet was my coffee and evening snacks.

Nonetheless, here I sit hit with a brick wall with my earlier habits and schedules now put into a healthy, better and nutritious one. All thanks to my health freak husband and his equally health freak brothers.

"Ek roti?" He pins me down with a somber look, the one a mother would probably use to get her kids to eat. (One roti?)

"Yeah," I push his hand before he places it on my plate. "I'll get it after having this."

"You will get many." He mocks with a tight smile and places the roti on my plate knowing that's the signature dialogue that assures I won't have more. "Eat it, Esha. Or I'll feed you myself."

The warning makes me scrunch my nose at him, and I focus back on my plate, murmuring under my breath, "Always so bossy."

Daddu chuckles from my right side. "You two won't need a baby anytime soon."

I narrow my eyes on him.

"If that's how it works I don't think we'll ever have one." Vidyut adds fuel to the fire he's already lit, his tone swaying with all the right chords to hit my nerves.

In a swift motion my foot darts out from under the table and makes contact with a gentle thud against his shin. But taking me aback Aditya startles and jolts back with a wince of discomfort.

"That was me, bhabhi." He laugh--winces.

My cheeks and ears go red, I cover my eyes in regret. "I'm so sorry."

"See what I meant?" My prick of a husband goes again.

This time I choose to attack him without a vail. I grasp the fork from the table and point it directly at him, my eyes narrowed with sheer determination. The stainless utensil gleams under the golden light. His eyes wide equally in amusement and disbelief, lips part for a gasp and hands come to hold mine instinctively.

Peals of laughter fill the room when he shakes his head with a chuckle and I still don't budge.

"Sweetheart, that's a fork, put it down." He educates.

I snicker under my breath. "I really wish it was a knife."

"Bhabhi's on fire." Athvansh snorts. "Poke him on the throat, that'd give him a slow, painfull, breathless death."

"Tujhe doctor ban ke jaan bachane ke liye bheja hai, lene ke ideas dene ke liye nahi." The man under my mercy, shoots a horrified expression at his brother. (I have sent you to become a doctor so you could save lives, not to give ideas on how to take one.)

"At least he's useful, unlike some." I bash, keeping back the fork.

"What do you mean?" Vidyut's brows go underneath his messy locks on the forehead.

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