Part One : The Paradox ; 1. August 21st//7:33 AM.

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"You will be okay...You will be okay..." I repeated towards myself in the mirror, finishing up my outfit. Today was my first day at the GCPD. A.K.A. : Gotham City Police Department. And I couldn't wait. Even though I really had no idea what I would be doing for the most part, but all I knew was that I'm supposed to be the person who goes through the files to look for clues. And I do have a degree in forensics, so I guess I will be fine. I am...just a very insecure person. Which is something somewhat unusual in Gotham.

Outfit? Check. Shower? Check. Makeup? Check. Coffee? Check.

I kept going over the things in my head. I wore red high tops, a black skirt with black tights under neath, a gray sweater, and my lucky golden star necklace. ( which was hiding underneath my sweater.) They told me right away, this place was right next to no dress code.

I checked the time on my phone. 7:35 am. Perfect. I slid my phone into my purse, walking out of my apartment and down the stairs. I had just moved into this apartment a while ago, but I've been living in Gotham forever. Therefor, I was well aware of the 13-15 minute walk ahead of me.


I walked into the police station to see chaos, every which way. People screaming in one direction, others destroying, others carrying on with work as if it were not even audible.

" Only in Gotham. " I sighed to myself.

" Fascinating... " I jumped at the sound of the surprise, turning around to see a man, around my age standing right next to me. " You must be Eleanor. Roselend. " He smiled quirkily. He had brown hair, glasses, big brown eyes, and was wearing a lab coat that clearly featured a suit underneath it. He was rather skinny, yet had some muscle. I gulped, unsure of how to feel of his presence.

" Y-yes. That is me. " he this time, grinned.

" I am Edward Nygma. The poor have it, the rich need it, what is it? "

" ...Nothing? "

" Correct. Come with me. " He then started walking as I shrugged, deciding following couldn't do much harm, if that's what he wanted. " Your office is right next to mine. If you need me, I am always here-- "

" Stop. " Another man, wearing a suit, leather jacket, and fedora stopped Edward in his tracks.

" Harvey. " Edward mumbled, suggesting he didn't appreciate the man interrupting him.

" Where are you taking her? And who the hell is she? "

" Eleanor Roselend. " I spoke up.

" Right. You're our newbie. Come with me. " Harvey picked up a folder, then moved out his arm around me, pulling me away from Edward and toward my office. I looked around rapidly, looking back to see Edward still standing there--still as a statue. " Your office is right next to Edward's and your first work in this. Paperwork. Tell me when you're done. " He smiled, handed me the folder, and let me go.

" Thank you, very much. But just an reminder, Edward was telling me where my office was... " he raised his eyebrows as I turned, walking backwards towards my office. I smirked to myself, as Edward was now standing right behind Harvey.

" Was he? Good for him. " Harvey turned and jumped, clearly Edward had scared him. " I'VE TOLD YOU BEFORE TO NOT DO THAT! " he screamed, then walked off, shaking his head. Edward seemed unaffected. I turned around and walked to my office quickly, but I soon stopped. I could hear the sound of footsteps behind me.

I took one step forward, and I could hear another footstep. I looked down at my shoes, took another step, and could hear another step behind me. I turned to see Edward, standing there awkwardly.

" Hello? " I laughed.

" Fun fact, there are 118 elements on the-- "

" Periodic table. " I finished. He grinned.

" We are going to be great friends. You and I. " I smiled.

" I hope so. " I then walked into my office, leaving him to stand there by himself. I assumed he had work to do. I walked into my office to see it around medium size, with a desk, chair, and a built in computer in the back right corner. I sat down and looked at the paper work.

It was mostly things they haven't yet learned about me. Who I'm born to, how long I've been in Gotham, my address, etc. I was only halfway through my paper work when I could hear the sound of my door opening. I looked up to see, no surprise, Edward.

" Hello, Edward. "

" You may call me Ed. Secretive when off, peaceful when on. Most humans have them. What are they? "

" ...Earbuds? " He laughed.

" Correct. You are very good at riddles. "

" You'd be surprised. " I faked a smile, then looked down towards my work. I could tell his smile faded in the slightest.

" What is that supposed to mean, Ella? " I looked up again.

" How did you know my nickname was Ella? "

" It's a common nickname for Eleanor. I just assumed, honestly. And plus I did a little research on you." I stood and backed away. His face turned from calmed to alarmed. " No no no, I'm not going to hurt you! I didn't mean it like that...I just wanted to know a little bit more about you...before you came... I am sorry if I offended you. It was not my intention. "

" You wanted to know more about me?!Like...Like my personal information?! How did you even do any 'research?!' Plus, what is that even supposed to mean?! "

" No no no! I didn't dig into anything like that! Just wanted to know a little... " I breathed in and out. There was clearly nothing I could do about it now. " I wasn't aware that it would make you upset. I wouldn't have done it if I known. "

" For future reference, Ed, people don't often like other people going through things. " I spoke, to calming myself down and sitting back in my chair. Ten minutes of him sitting there, staring at me went by. I eventually looked back up at him again.

" I'm...sorry. " he added, tilting his head. I faked another smile, witch was something I do often.

" I accept your apology. Now don't you have work to do? "

" Already have it all done. " I this time smiled genuinely.

" Would you like to stay, Ed? " he went pale. I looked towards an extra chair right next to me.

" No one has ever asked me that before. But I would love to. " he replied, sitting down in the chair. I kept working on my paper work, yet I asked him anyway.

" Tell me about yourself. "

" No one's ever asked me that either. "

" Well, than I am asking you that. What is your story, Edward Nygma? "

" Well uhh... " it eventually all spilled out of him. Almost everything about him I was now aware of. His life story was so long I was even done with my paperwork after a short amount of time in. I eventually closed the folder and turned towards him, listening to him talk. I was so caught up in the story, paying attention to every detail possible. Except for the detail that he was now done, and I was staring at him head on.

" Oh right! Sorry you're done now aren't you! Or--I was daydreaming I'm sorry. " He grinned.

" Ella? "

" Yes? "

" What is my last name? "

" Nygma. "

" What do I specialize in? "

" Riddles. And forensics. "

" Well than, you weren't daydreaming at all. "

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