24. November 11th// 10:58 PM

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Ella's Perspective

" And then-- " my phone vibrated in the middle of her sentence.

" Hold on, I gotta take this. " I made Kristen pause as I answered my phone.

" Yes? "

" Hello Ella. " my eyes widened. It was Oswald. I recognized his voice the second I heard it.

" Hello Oswald... " he chuckled.

" I need you to come by the club. "

" ...Why should I? " he laughed again.

" Let's say your friend Edward is...intoxicated. " I sighed. This, this was the very last thing I needed. Today was already eventful enough with seeing Edward once. Clearly after seeing me he did the same thing I did.

He went to a bar.

Kristen tapped on my arm. " who's that? " I thought for a moment, then put my phone to my arm.

" I need to borrow your car, is that okay? "

" ...Answer my question first. " I put the phone back to my ear. Even if Kristen wouldn't allow me to use her car, I knew I would have to rescue him. As his friend it was my job. Even if I didn't trust him.

" I'll be there in twenty. Keep him warm. " I hung up. " that was Oswald Cobblepot. Apparently Edward has been drinking Oswald dry for the past hour... And now I have to go get him. "

" Can I come with? " I opened my mouth quickly, but only spoke a few seconds later.

" I...I'm not sure if that would be a good idea. I don't know how he'll react. " she rolled her eyes.

" Fine. But please, please be careful. " she took her keys out of her purse, then smirked. " then, carefully go get him tiger. " I rolled my eyes back and took the keys.


" And makes you think you can get in here little lady? " I sighed again.

" Well, Oswald Cobblepot invited me, so it would only be natural for me to not have to stand in the rain... " the two brutes looked to each other. One whispered to another, then went inside.

" Just saying now, I don't believe it for a second. " I rolled my eyes. Oswald then appeared in the background and smiled.

" Ella! Come in! What a pleasure to finally see you... " I walked in as the brute stepped aside. I showed half a smile.

" Hey Oswald. Where's Edward-- "

" Heeeey Ellie! " with two bottles of champagne raised in his hands, Edward leaned into my vision. " wanna drink? " I sighed and quickly walked over.

" No, Ed. It's time to go home. " I tried to take the bottle from his hand but he pulled away and whined.

" But why? The night's still yooung! Have a drink bAby! " he burped in the middle of his sentence. I was disgusted.

" Okay, well... The party can go on at home... You wont have to pay for drinks... "

" Leaving so soon? " Oswald laughed, walking over. I sighed.

" Sorry Oswald, but I believe tomorrow is a work day... "

" Tomorrow is Saturday. "

" ... Either way. " I faked a laugh. Ed smiled at me widely.

" And you know... I have an offer for you... "

" What are you talking about? "

" You'Re very pretty..." I pushed Edward back as he tried to kiss me. I continued to listen to Oswald with my hand on Edward's chest.

" I'd like to be allies... " I laughed.

" Allies? Really? What's that about? "

" Well I just thought-- "

" Please let me kiss you... " Edward interrupted. I crouched down slightly, forcing my eyes to meet his.

" I might let you kiss me if you let me take you home... " Edward gasped and held out his hand.

" Take me now! " I laughed and grabbed onto his hand. Edward started to walk to the door. I exhaled in relief.

" Sorry Oswald, I'm not interested. " I then turned away and began to follow Ed. I mumbled to myself. " That wasn't so bad after all. " I smiled to myself. Then, I heard Oswald inhaling and exhaling loudly, angrily.

" This isn't over yet, Ella. " I rolled my eyes.

" I'm pretty sure it is Oswald. Sorry. " before breathing in and out even more angry, he screamed at me.


Those were the last words I had ever heard from Oswald C. Cobblepot.



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