5. August 25th//10:45 AM

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Ella's Perspective

I knocked on his door, making him, Edward, look up from the microscope and smile. " Look who's on time. " I smiled back.

" Have you found anything? " I asked him, walking over to him and his microscope.

" Umm I have found...something rather small... " Edward had devoted the day to researching and testing out the data and evidence for my case. I appreciated it, I guess. And he found it interesting and he liked the idea of solving my case so...I couldn't see much of a fault in it. " Did your father have blonde hair like yours? " I grinned widely, knowing he was not going to like my answer. " W-What? "

" I didn't want to have to tell you this, but my my hair is not naturally blonde. " he faked a laugh, thinking I was lying, until his jaw finally dropped.

" Wait are you being serious? " I chuckled.

" I am being serious. My hair is naturally brown. But, my father was a redhead so no. No he did not. " he shook his head and scoffed sarcastically.

" Our whole friendship is a lie. " I laughed again for a while, then sighed and asked. " So you asked me specifically to be in here at 10:45 AM so...is there anything you need? "

" Um yes actually. I split the blood sample you gave to me--or what you could say is the blood sample I took from you and I am already using both halves. One half in the system, and the other I am examining slash taking a look at on this microscope. " he replied, returning back to the microscope and messing with the focus.

" May I ask why splitting them and looking at them? " he looked up from the microscope, smiling again.

" So I can look for any specifics. Anything that...shouldn't be there. " I folded my arms and laughed as he once again returned to the microscope.

" Edward are you looking out for me slash looking to see if there's any signs of disease in my blood? "

" It's what best friends do right? "

" I guess. "

" Now your blood looks fine, assuming you're healthy. Now the other things I need are a strand slash three samples of your hair-- "

" Stop saying slash. "

" Sorry. " he chuckled, then continued. " I need three strands of your hair, two more samples of your blood, and your finger print. "

" ...That's alot. "

" I know, it's a strange process--" he was interrupted by the sound of Kristen, knocking on the side of the doorframe. Both of our heads turned to look at her right away.

" Hello Mister Nygma. " she spoke, actually happy and genuine for once. " Do you mind if I steal Ella for a few minutes? "

" N-No. Not at all. " Ed replied, looking back at me and smiling. " I guess. " I smiled back at the both of them, then walked out of the room with Kristen. We walked through the main office together, on our way to her office. I knew that's probably where she wanted to go, since she rarely went anywhere else to talk to me...

" So you're actually happy today? "

" When am I not? "

" Uhh... " she laughed.

" Don't worry. I know I can come off as a bit, well, insecure and displeased sometimes but I am in general a very happy person. " That definitely turned my world to a different axis. Kristen? A happy person? I wouldn't have ever thought...

" Oh, well okay. That's...cool! " I laughed as she smiled back, opening the door to her office.

" So how's it going with Ed? "

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