7. August 26th//6:00 PM - August 27th//7:07 AM.

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Edward's Perspective

" Hello...Mister Nygma. "

" What are you doing here, Kristen? " Kristen flashed a fake smile as I couldn't care less. I always tried to be nice, and polite--but not today.

" Well I wanted to see if Ella was here. " ...Remember what I said about having almost enough? That was gone now. I was right back to my old, caring and worrisome self.

" S-S-She--N-No. No she's not here. S-S-She went to the asylum. "

" Why? "

" I-I-I don't know. I'm not sure. " I played dumb with her, once again. And by once again I mean by my constant stuttering and accidental pop of the mouth. I knew exactly why she was at that Asylum--I could probably tell where she was exactly, I've been there so many times. Never as a patient or a staff member though. When I was young I'd go and explore it, research everything I could find. 299,792,458 feet in total. Height and width combined.

" Are you sure? I think she was saying something about the Barbra case... "

" I have no idea. All I know is that she'll be here soon and you can see her on Monday, okay? Goodbye, now. "

" Wait, I wanted to, well, see her this weekend. You two aren't...like... "

" Oh no, we're not together. "

" Than...why are you saying that I'll see her on Monday? "

" ...Oh um, well I don't know what she's planning. " I laughed, trying to a hint of comic relief.

" Well than, thank you for telling me so. Good day. " she spun on her heels and walked back to her car. I didn't say anything back as I closed my front door. It was true. Kristen and I were now in an invisible war about Ella. She was lonely, aware of how 'weird' I am, and wanted Ella to be her friend and not at all want me in the picture. I, was lonelier, wanting of a friend and decided Ella was suitable. Not to mention, she was even lovelier to me than Kristen or anybody else at the GCPD ever was. I heard my phone ring. I fast walked back to my couch and picked it up.

" Hello? "

" Hey, it's me. " It was Ella.

" Ella you're not calling me while you're driving now are you? " I asked worriedly. I was the number one person to be worried about that. I hated it. The idea of being that distracted while driving. It was a pet peeve. And a good one to have, too.

" No Ed, I'm not. Don't worry. "

" Okay. " I walked over and grabbed my keys quickly, wondering if I'd need them soon. " Where are you? "

" I'm walking out of the asylum. I'm just calling to tell you I'll be there in a hour or so. "

" No, no. Let me pick you up. That's a long walk. I insist. "

" Are you sure? It's not too far. " I put on my jacket and put on my shoes, balancing my phone between my cheek and shoulder.

" Yeah, yeah. Please. I, again, insist. "

" Alright. Waste your gas. Be my guest. " she laughed.

" No act of kindness, no matter how small, goes wasted. " I replied, smiling at myself as she told me goodbye and as I hung up.


I pulled up to the gate of the Arkham Asylum. I was going to pull up more, into the round a bout even, but Ella came out of no where, hugging her arms and walking up to my car. She got into the passenger. " You waste no time. " I laughed as she smiled back.

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