18. about half a week later

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Ella's Perspective

I felt shivers roll over my body as I closed the front door behind me.  I answered my phone.

" You've called me six times now what do you--! " I growled then stopped.

" Ella, it's me. Leslie. Calm down. Why don't you go celebrate? You're a hero you know? And where are you? " I rolled my eyes, starting to walk around.

" I'm at Ed's. And I'm not celebrating for anything and I'm not a hero, Leslie. "

" You know...what he did it...wasn't your fault. "

" ...Yeah, sure. But I guess him being in Arkham is my fault. Now if you'd excuse me I have to look for something. " I hung up the phone and groaned in aggravation. I was here because I decided the only way to keep my mind off Ed was to work on a case. My dad's case. I assumed Ed probably found something that I could see useful. I walked up the stairs as I breathed in and out slowly. This house held many memories for me, and it felt strange to walk though this place without him with me...with him in Arkham.

I searched throughout his bedroom, and I couldn't find a thing related to my father. I looked at the time on my phone. It was about five AM and I'd have to go to work in about two hours or so. But as I looked around my surroundings, I felt myself tear up and my knees shake. I couldn't go to work today and that was almost all I knew. I called Jim right away?

" This is James Gordon?..." he answered as I took a deep breath.

" Yeah I know...Jim would it be okay if I took the day off today? "

" Oh, Ella it's you. Of course. I was wondering when you would... "

" ...Well what does that mean? " I could hear Leslie sigh loudly and take the phone from Jim.

" Ella you've suffered a horrible emotional trauma and you've still been working like a dog. You need rest, closure. For god sakes get yourself some cupcakes and Chinese food! " I laughed as Jim took the phone back.

" What Leslie said. But really, get some rest. You deserve it and you need it. " I nodded quietly.

" Okay. "


I sighed when I got back home, to my apartment. It was raining outside and all I could really do was sit on my couch. It felt like hours went by as I just watched the rain. I watched it wash the city I knew would never be fully clean. And I wondered, why did anyone bother to be here? Why did anyone bother to live in such a city where nothing would ever be right or okay? I knew Jim Gordon wanted to fix it but it was like he couldn't. Like no one could or ever would.

I jumped at the sound of my phone ringing. I looked at the ID...it was Ed. Probably his first and only call. I felt my whole body tremble as I, slowly, slid the phone into my hand. My wonders had turned from the rain to the idea of Ed. But I didn't think fast enough, for it eventually stopped ringing. I threw my phone at the hall and started to ball my eyes out. I could feel my body curl up into a ball as for many hours, I just sat and cried until I couldn't cry anymore.

And then, I got up and grabbed my keys.


" Hate to tell you this, but you're full of shit. " Jerome laughed as I rolled my eyes.

" Jerome! " Barbra whispered in a yell, then looked at him. " don't worry. He's a airhead. " I nodded.

" I know--I'm not a airhead. " Barbra rolled her eyes right back at me as Jerome laughed.

" Good one! " Barbra sighed, half agitated at Jerome and half agitated at the world.

" So why'd you come here then? Try to see if you could find him? " my eyes widened. She was right, he was probably here...

" N-no. You two are my only two...real friends I guess. " Barbra chuckled.

" A guy kills another guy and he's magically not your friend anymore? You're a harsh little pie, sweet heart. "

" Barbra. "

" Well what do you want me to say? Oh, and you might wanna run off now... " I raised one of my eyebrows. " they're transporting him her today... "

" At what time? " she checked her wrist, which of course had no watch on it.

" Anytime now... " I scoffed, starting to get up.

" Thanks, I mean it. You guys are... "

" Cool? I prefer the word cool? " Jerome cut in as Barbra ignored him.

" Shut up. " she spat in his direction, he cursed and wiped the saliva off his face. He turned towards me.

" You know, you really could spit on me at anytime... " He chuckled as I looked at him, confused.

" What is that supposed to mean? " 

" It means he likes you. Now run off before he gets too attached. " I smiled at her, she smiled back wider. I mouthed a thank you towards her as she nodded, and turned back to the magazine she was always reading.

Jerome's Perspective

As she walked out I turned back to Barbra. I huffed.

" Thanks. " I told her sarcastically as she looked up at me, and smiled. She tilted her head.

" Anytime. " she frowned. " leave the poor girl alone. Remember, she's my friend. Not. Yours. "

" Well that's what I was going for...  " she kept quiet and looked away from me.  " why you ask?-- "

" I didn't-- "

" Because now that her jerky little nerd friend is out of the way...I can swoop in. " she looked to me for a second, raised her eyebrows, rolled her eyes. " What? She's hot... "

" Yeah. She is. Very. Too hot for you. "

" Then what is hot enough for me? You? "

" Well, in honor of riddle boy I'll give you a clue: What has the face of your mother and goes into the toilet? " I laughed until I could hear a loud bang behind me, then gas filled the air as the last thing I could see was a woman in all black, holding a gun.

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