16. October 23rd//11:26 AM

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// I don't know why but I currently, see Ella's face claim to be Halsey. You guys?

Edward's Perspective

I woke up in a hospital room, all by myself. I started breathing, rapidly sitting up and feeling a pain in my arm. I winced, looking back at my arm. I stopped, and let in sink in. I remember everything that happened yesterday as I could hear a knock on my door. Kristen walked in, with a goofy smile on her face.

" Slut... " I could hear and see two female nurses walk by, referring to Kristen. Kristen turned to them and her face fell slowly. I still didn't know what happened to her in this hospital. Or more importantly, what she did or whatever happened in this hospital. But clearly it was something that affected her dearly as she quickly looked towards the ground, in my direction.

" Kristen. " I spoke, she looked up quickly. Her (now I assumed fake) smile had returned for another round. I could barely look at her, I didn't know if I found her pathetic or boring at this very moment, but it was one or the other. But it wasn't exactly her fault. I never liked seeing other people right after waking up, most of the time I like to wake up and piece together my life and day. I'd think about my mood, my place and where I was. I would look out the window, decide my opinion, then start my day. And maybe then I would speak to someone.

Then is when I would make contact with someone whom is not myself. Not right away... Not to mention, if I was going to talk to someone this early of day, I was going to talk to Ella. Not. Her.

" Right... " Kristen breathed in and out. She looked at the ground once again, then peered up at me. " do you remember what happened yesterday? " I nodded silently.

" Of...course. " I faked a smile right back towards her. Why not right? " Why...why wouldn't I? " I chuckled. Her face went serious.

" Well. Ella...Ella is okay. I thought you would want to know that. " she turned on her heel, and started to walk out. I opened my mouth to speak, and slowly, started to reply.

" C-could I see her? " she topped and turned her head. I assumed she didn't want to look at me either. Maybe she felt the same way. But either way, as Rhett Butler from Gone With The Wind would say, I didn't give a damn.

" No... She's not awake yet... " she quickly walked out of the room and shut the door harshly. I sighed to myself, looking to where my feet would be under the blanket I had been given. And for a good hour, I just thought. I thought about Ella, I thought about the GCPD...I wondered when and if I'd crack. If that little voice would come back. And for a hour, it didn't. My head stayed quiet. That next hour, however, my darker thoughts came out to play.

" Look at you. " I could hear myself chuckle as I turned my head.

" Why are you here? " I demanded. " I thought you were gone, I thought I got rid of you! ... " I growled in a low voice. I was trying to stay quite.

" Well, technically you did get rid of me. With a woman and all, finally allowing you to have some love in your life. But, I just wanted to give you a message... "

" Stop... " I shook my head rapidly. It was just a voice, just an illusion. I could get rid of it...I could get rid of it...I watched the other side of me ( bad nygma, I nicknamed ) put his hand on the side of the bed.

" You will never get rid of me. I am you...I will always be here... "

" Stop...stop... "


" s-stop... "

" No matter how many times you put me away, I will still be here. I will still be that little voice in your head, telling you to-- "

" STOP! "

" Uh--umm. " I looked over. Bad Nygma was gone, and there stood Kristen. Oh dear, now I had done it. " Are you alright? Edward? " I faked a smile.

" Sure...why do you ask? "

" ...I heard screams. "

" No. " I laughed. " not from me, anyway. Maybe it was...someone else down the hall? " she smiled back.

" Perhaps, Edward. Say, would you like anything to drink? "

" No, Kristen really. I am alright...has...Ella woken up yet? "

" She won't be up for the rest of the day. The doctors decided the bullet in her arm, almost exactly like yours, would be a quick fix. She's under anesthesia, the surgery should take all day. " I thought about it.

" W-would she be available in the early morning tomorrow then? Late tonight? " she almost laughed.

" Edward even if so--you're in no condition to be getting up early or late... "

" Answer the question. " I told her quickly. I didn't expect the words to be as harsh as they were.

" Umm... " she looked to the ground, a stern look across her face. " yeah...I think so. " I could tell my eyes lit up.

" Great! "

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