4. August 22nd//9:11 PM.

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Edward's Perspective

" So...this is Arkham? " she asked, sleepily as I opened her car door.

" It is. " I smiled, offering my hand, which she took. As I helped her up, she smiled, waking up and becoming more aware of her surroundings. And I watched her look over the neighborhood. She seemed to like the look of it, even though I never thought of Arkham City as appealing. It clearly wasn't as attractive to me as it was to her. " Ella? Are you okay? " I asked calmly as she only smiled, lying her head on my shoulder as I helped her through the front door to the house. " I mean, you could have been killed... " she walked in front of me, now on her own as I closed and locked the door behind us. She quickly grabbed both of my hands, and nearly forced me to look straight at her.

" Listen, Edward. I am a bit hurt. But I am, as a matter of fact, fine. " she spoke, smiling, yet hiding her teeth. She was adorable as hell, but I was still serious about the matter. I kept my straight face.

" Ella you could have just been killed-- "

" Yeah. So? " I pulled my left hand away from hers, and placed it on her arm.

" Does that not terrify you? I mean--it terrifies me. Not even just the thought of death, the thought of losing you... " she laughed.

" Edward, I'm actually kinda used to it. You'd be surprised. I have near death experiences all the time. " my mouth dropped in sympathy.

" What does that mean? " I then looked down at her arm, full of bruises and scars I hadn't seen before. " Are those bruises? "

" It's a long story. "

" I-I-I have time. "

" We have work tomorrow... "

" W-We have until eight am. " there were many moments of silence, until I finally spoke my mind. " Ella, the man who put a gun to your back today didn't leave those bruises on you. Who did? " she sighed, then smiled.

" My head hurts. Meaning, I have a headache. If, and only if, you have any kind of medicine to help it or make it go away...I'll tell you. " I smiled with glee. I had almost every existing medicine for every sickness that I am legeally aloud access to. A headache? I have like...three or five things for that. Also known as Aspirin, Advil, and Emergency.

" I will have that story in absolutely no time at all. " I replied, eagerly fast walking to the kitchen. I opened the medicine cabinet, searching through for everything I'd need as she kept up conversation, sitting at the bar.

" So, why do you have so much medicine? " I shivered at her words, knowing what I'd have to say next.

" I, um, was often sick as a child. " I was almost done, pulling one bottle and one box out of the cabinet with I heard a loud, collision like sound behind me. My eyes widened as I turned around quickly. Nothing was broken, and all it really was? It was just Ella. Whom had slammed her arm onto the counter, with a grin on her face.

" Really? You are kidding me! " she laughed. It was clearly meant to be playful, but I was more worried about her arm rather than her joke. I placed the two medicines on the counter, then started fast walking towards her. " I mean seriously. I was often sick too. Hence the headache-- "

" I'm very sorry but could I please see your arm? "  she gave me a curious look. " It may be hurt... " she this time shrugged.

" Alright. " she held out her arm, continuing to smile. I faked a smile, pulling her arm closer to me and taking a further look at it. No major injuries, I could tell. Even though some slight bruising was seen. " Ed? "

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