14. October 21st//11:34 PM

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Ella's Perspective

The past twenty minutes consisted of nothing. Just staring out the open window, looking down at the dark colored grass and up at the bright night sky. And I adored the rose bushes I could barely see from the amount of darkness, and gazed in awe at the stars served as nightlights--but I knew I couldn't just sit and stare forever. Not today at least. I closed the window and turned back to the inside. " Psst. Edward. Are you awake? " I asked, shaking him a little from my side. We were still watching Frankenstein as I quickly figured out Edward slept up straight on his couch. I sighed and folded my arms. Usually I was the one asleep, so the question was hard to ask myself.

" What now? " I looked all around the room. Well I could either A) go upstairs to the guest room and go to bed or B) call Kristen. Yup, that was as far as my imagination was going to go. So I got up off the couch and called Kristen.

I could hear her groan from the other end. I assumed she was waking up to speak to me.

" Hello? "

" Hey. Kristen it's me. " she laughed quietly, I could hear her sit up straight in her bed.

" How did it go? " she asked curiously as I decided--what the hell--I'll talk in the guest room. I walked up the stairs as I whispered.

" Well, I'll admit it went pretty great. We ate ice cream...we went to the park...I was nervous I was going to get mugged again but luckily nothing happened of the sort. " I chuckled without thinking about it. I could hear Kristen laughing with me.
" Oh well, that's good. Where's Ed now? "

" Oh umm... " I looked back into the living room for a brief moment--you can never be sure. But thankfully he was still sound asleep. " he's taking a nap, I guess. "
" You can't be serious. " she giggled.

" I am...he's asleep. Really. " she kept giggling, then finally spoke the words.

" Ella it's only eleven at night! You really must of worn him out! " I blushed a little, and shrugged. It was then I realized I wasn't speaking confidently, yet I wasn't going to do anything about it. I was never in a situation where I was the only one awake at Ed's house. So I didn't get onto myself too much about my speech, because I was honestly uncomfortable to a newer degree.

" Yeah...I guess so. You don't mind staying on the phone with me? Right? I've never really been the only one awake at Ed's and frankly I feel a bit uncomfortable... "

" Oh yeah sure. Why not. As a matter of fact--why wouldn't I? " I heard her giggle again.

" It's kinda...long story. "

" Well we've got plenty of time...but if you wouldn't want to talk about it... "

" It's fine. How was overtime? " I was now starting to whisper, walking closer to the front door's side windows. You could say the outside calmed me down...

" It was okay! For the most part! But...uh..."

" But...uh...what? " I confronted, turning away from the side window and sitting down on the stairs.

" Remember that Tom guy? he came back. And he wants to know more about who you are... " I sighed trying my hardest to embrace the news and not get mad. Tom was infamous to me. He almost destroyed Kristen. And ( from what I had heard ) made Edward commit murder. I wasn't expecting myself to be excluded from the trend of pure hatred.

" And why do you think that is exactly? Did you tell him anything about me? " the silence that came next confirmed everything I had asked. " Kristen... "

" All I did was show him a picture! " I sighed.

" Kristen. What else? as a matter of fact, let's start with how that picture thing came up? " I groaned at her, annoyed yet not horribly surprised.

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