12. September 25th//9:01 AM

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Edward Perspective

I woke up to the feeling of old, almost dry tears on my pillow. But I was nevertheless, feeling better than I was the day before. The pain in my rib cage had gone away, ( or at least numbed its way out of me ) Ella's talk helped me emotionally, and my lip had healed at least to where a band aid was no longer necessary.

" That's good enough for me. " I mumbled to myself, quietly. I looked around the room, and smiled. My window was open and the curtains and the curtains were both pulled up. There was a yellow rose, mixed with red colors inside the pedals. I got up, slowly waiting for the pain to constrain me from moving. But it didn't, so I stood up.

I walked over to the window, looking outside and then picking up the flower. It was inside a vase, a nice amount of water inside of it. It almost made me forget where I was--the Gotham City's "finest" Hospital. Where the "finest" makes you feel "fine." I could hear a knock on my door.

" Come in. " I spoke calmly as Kristen opened the door.

" Edward? "

" Yes? "

" I brought you coffee. Ella told me this was your favorite. " she walked in and handed me a caramel frappe from Starbucks. Childish?, yes. My favorite?, yes.

" Oh wow, thanks. Thanks, very much. " I spoke, awkwardly taking a sip. I did like it, it was my favorite. But I felt the need to get out of this room, and go see Ella. But clearly, Kristen was just a teeny tiny step ahead of me.

" Hey, uh, you feel better right? " she asked, tilting her head and scratching her the side of her temple.

" I feel fine. Why? "

" I think we should go... " I looked up from my frappe to her, surprised by what she was doing.

" Why? The doctor said we'd go on Tuesday. I feel fine, but I probably need more rest than I'm aware of. "

" Edward, something feels wrong here. "

" H-how do you mean? "

" I mean...something feels wrong here. " I widened my eyes. She thought someone was tricking us, didn't she? Or, something worse.

" You know what? Okay. We can leave if you absolutely feel the need. " I looked back down to the yellow and red rose still in my hand. " Just...let's take our time. " I smiled at her, yet her face and emotions remained the same.

" Okay, well I was just letting you know. I've already given Ella her frappe but I recommend you check on her, too. I'm going to negotiate with the doctors. " I nodded. She turned on her heel and started to walk out, but she quickly stopped and turned back towards me. " Oh, and while you're there, talking to Ella--tell her the same thing I told you. And please, it really is mandatory you check on her. "

" B-but I though you just told me you already did... "

" Yes, but...we can never be sure that we're safe here. Because I know this place like the back of my hand. And I really, hope the back of my hand--what I know--is wrong. " she then turned, and walked out.

I thought about what she said to me for a while, as I was just standing there, staring out of that clear and clean window. I was probably there for about another fifteen minutes until I actually took another gulp of my coffee. And, another twenty minutes until I realized anything could have been happening to Ella in that moment. And so while swallowing my coffee and my fear, I walked out that door and down the hallway. And when I knocked on that door, I heard the worst sound I could possibly hear.

A groan.

I opened the door to find Doctor Hudson, standing over Ella, his hand where no man should touch without consent.

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