6. August 26th//4:42 PM.

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Ella's Perspective

I heard the sound of my office door, clicking open. I looked over, expecting Ed for the first time today, but instead found Kristen. " Do you have any plans tonight? " I raised an eyebrow.

" What does that mean? " I spoke in a relatively calm voice.

" It means I would like to set up you and Ed. " I chuckled, returning to my work.

" Run that by Ed. Would you? " she sighed, walking to my desk and sitting down next to me.

" Are you okay? " I looked back at her again.

" Why? "

" Ed told me to ask you. "

" ...Why? "

" He said you hadn't seen him all day. " I thought it over, trying to plan my next words. Ed and I hadn't seen each other all day because he had to come in early, even though he luckily sent me a last minute text telling me he wouldn't be over. And there was really, not much wrong with it. But after the other night's events, I guess Ed was still a little worried. Because standing up to a boss clearly doesn't mean I'm strong and fine again. " Plus, he also said you missed a meeting with him... " something clicked in my head.

" Oh my god...Oh my god you're right I got to go. " I replied, getting up and pushing in my chair. I had just realized that with that 'hey I'm coming in early pray for me I'm tired AF' text message, ( yes, I know, I somehow got Ed to use a 'hip' term. I don't know how I did it either. ) there was also a 'also don't forget to come by my office around one' text message. " no, no, no... " I mumbled under my breath, walking out of my office, disregarding Kristen. Even though I could hear her say under her breath, something along the lines of 'that's my girl.' Which really made me question things, yet I really did not  have time to care. I fast walked to Ed's office door, until I was interrupted.

" Hey Ella! " my hand was almost a inch away from the handle when Jim called my name. I turned on my heel, looking straight at him from the few feet away he was. He had a grin on his face and a tall ( yet short compared to his height ) brunette on his arm. " Meet our new medical examiner. Doctor Leslie Tompkins. " I faked a laugh and smile, trying to be polite to the woman as I looked at her.

" Hello. " I said sweetly as I shook her hand.

" Hi. Are we...disrupting something? "

" Not really, I'm just late. " I faked a smile again as she actually, gave me a genuine one.

" Well, I'd really like to talk more but I know how it feels to be running late. " before Jim could open his mouth, I took the opportunity.

" Thank you very much. " I quickly turned the doorknob, and pushed myself into the door, my eyes closed. I slowly opened them to see Ed, in a corner, his arms folded and his head in his lap. " Ed? " he gasped quietly, standing up and nearly trying to hide himself in the corner he was in. He had been crying, from what I could see.

" Y-You came. " he mumbled, as I winced. My poor Eddy.

" Ed, of course I did! My alarm didn't go off, there's no reason to be sad. " I fast walked to him and pulled him into a tight hug. He hugged me back quicker than I thought he would, causing me to jump as his arms pulled around me quickly.

" Ella never do that again. " he cried as I held him tighter. " I-I thought something happened to you... " his voice was slightly higher when he was crying, so I slowly pulled away to look at him. " I mean--you're never, ever late and after what happened with the gun and how I failed you I just--I just! "

" Ed, Ed, Ed. Calm down. It's fine. I'm here. I. am. finnne. Now, it is Friday evening... " I pulled his hands off of my shoulders so I could hold them loosely. " and I really want some pizza and Netflix. " we both laughed. I used my thumb to dry some of his tears.

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