9. August 28th // 4:49 PM

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Ella's Perspective

Kristen had been sitting there for a few hours, shivering and unable to even spend a shred of her focus on her work. It was raining outside when we left her apartment, so her hair was damp and she had a thin, blue blanket around her. Ed was investigating his own office on the side, ignoring the rules I studied enough to memorize. And I was doing my own work. As I always do. But I decided it was appropriate to come by her office.

" Kristen? " I knocked on the door of her office. I could see from glass that she had jumped from the sound of my voice. She got up slowly from her chair, and fast walked to the door. Before she could she could touch the door, I turned the handle and let myself in.

" Hey. " I smiled, closing the door behind me as she faked a smile and slowly walked back to her desk. " So...I know that was probably a bit of a scarring event but...are you okay? Better? Hopefully? "

" Ella I put you and Ed in harms way because I couldn't take care of myself. " she blurted out, looking at me, straight in the eye.

" Kristen that's not true. "

" How in the hell is that not true? " I thought about it. I knew she was wrong, but I didn't know how to explain it. Because she was somewhat right. We were in harms way. But it wasn't because she couldn't handle it herself. I would have gotten mad if she didn't call us. She could have died, we could have died. Jim and Harvey were still taking care of him, Tom.

If her boyfriend is a hand full for the police, how could she take him? She was a fragile figure. Too innocent to kill the flies that ran upon her desk.  

" Well. " I coughed. " we came voluntarily. " she looked even more confused. " We didn't have to come. We could have just told Jim to get you instead. " she was silent. 

" I guess that is correct... " she finally said, walking back to her desk and sitting down. I walked to the desk right after her, sitting down at one of the chairs. 

" Look. I know what just happened a while ago destroyed you-- " 

" Yes it did, Ella. Now there's no more that you can say to make me feel better, I am very sorry. My dearest apologies. " I sighed. I was flustered, now frustrated. I was just trying to help. Just trying to make her feel better. But clearly, my help was unwanted. So be it. 

I stood up. " Well I guess you're right. I guess I'll just...go back to work for the next... " I looked at the clock on the wall, and smiled slightly. I was again, flustered. But I at least had 10 minutes to go. " 10 minutes before work is over. " she raised her eyebrows. 

" 10 minutes? " she asked in question, looking over at the clock. " We were gone for that long? Without a warning? Without an...anything. " I shrugged, sighing. 

" This city is corrupt, Kristen. " I replied, turning on my heel and walking out. As soon as I walked out of the room, Edward was right in front of me. I gasped as he was quite, non-reactant. We were inches away from each other. 

" I need your help. Quickly. " he spoke quietly,his voice shaking as he turned around and walked. I walked with him. 

" What do you need? " I questioned, catching up to his hip. 

" I need you to investigate my office. Most of the forensics working on it are more corrupt than the scientists claiming that global warming exists. But I trust you and I think you should definitely do a good amount of the job. " he smiled, and I smiled back. 

" Sure. I'll start tomorrow. We've only got five more minutes. " Edward frowned slightly, looking at the clock, then back at me without hesitation. 

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