15. October 22nd//4:08 PM

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I breathed in and out, fast walking and trying to keep myself together. I knew for a fact I was going to run into Tom today. I was just trying to avoid it at all costs.

" Ella! " I gasped a little as Tom walked up to me out of no where. Great. Literally, the last thing I wanted right now waltzed right up to me. He held out his hand for me to shake. " I have heard a lot about you. Good things, mostly. I'm Tom. Doughtery. " I slowly shook his hand, faking a small uncomfortably.

" Nice to meet you...I think you already know my name? " I laughed, trying to shake off the awkwardness of the situation.

" Yeah, I do. Obviously. Now that you know my name, I was wondering if we could go out sometime? Eh? Have some dinner? Get to know each other better? " he smirked as my smile quickly went away. I could see Edward fast walking towards us from about a half a mile away.

" Uh I guess but...maybe a shared lunch break would be more appropriate? " his smirk twitched a little as my smile grew back. But he winked at me anyway.

" Sure... " he slowly walked away as Edward quickly walked up in front of me. He looked at me stern and silent. But not like he was mad at me, it was like he was mad for me. I hadn't seen him all day so just about anything really could have happened.

" C-can we talk? " I nodded.

" Yeah, what's up? Are you alright? " he sighed hesitantly, looking around, almost like he was examining all of the other police officers.

" I was about to ask you if you were alright...I can't talk here... "

" Well okay then. We'll go to the Medical Examiner room. Leslie's off today. She won't mind... " I spoke calmly he smiled a little and nodded back, starting towards the room as I followed. I looked around like he did while we were walking. I was understanding why he was looking around, now at least.

Everyone...no one...no one looked quite right today. But my walking daydream clearly didn't last too long. As within minutes, I was closing the door behind us. One of the biggest reasons why I suggested this room was because of how secretive it really was. The door was like a closing of everything happening to almost the rest of the GCPD. No one could hear what was going on at the outside, and no one could hear anything from the outside that wasn't muttered voices. Basically, the perfect midlife crisis melt down room.

When we walked in a noticed one of the Maniax, lying dead on a medical bed. Looks like something I'll be looking at later...

" Now. What's wrong?-- "

" Why is he back? " he interrupted, sitting down in a chair and looking down.

" Who? Tom? "

" Yes...Tom... " I felt shivers fall over me as he spoke.

" ...Kristen told him about me. He came in when we were out yesterday and eventually Kristen showed him a picture of me...it's no big deal, I've got it under control... "

" Ella this is a big deal! " he pouted looking up at me. He was breathing in and out heavily until he spoke again. " that man will hurt you... "

" Yes. I am aware. I'm staying away from him, alright? " I laughed a little, then added quietly. " if he did or does ever hurt me or even lay a finger on me, I promise it. I will tell you... "

" So you're not staying away from him? "

" Edward! "

" WHAT?! " he screamed at me as I stepped back a little.

" Listen. I can take care of myself. That was...uncalled for... " he sighed, looking back down at the ground.

" Ella I'm just terrified for you... "

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