2. August 21st//8:18 PM. - Tuesday August 22nd//7:28 AM.

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" But that was my hardest riddle! " he laughed at me as we walked down the street to my apartment. Ed and i had been talking, laughing, and sharing stories all day.

I chuckled back. " You can do much better than that. I've been interested in riddles ever since I was little."

" That doesn't mean I'm not the same way. "

" Well than that means you should know more riddles than me. "

" No it does not! " He chuckled again. I was glad to see him laughing and smiling all day. From what I had heard from him and other co-workers I've run into, he was often neglected at the GCPD.

" Fine, Edward. " I laughed. " Could you give me another? "

" Of course. What can make the riddle man go mad, yet over the moon at the same time? "

" ...Nothing!? "

" Nope. " he laughed even more with every wrong answer. I was good at most riddles, but I would get one or two wrong every now and then. On the inside, I knew the answer but i didnt want to say it--love.

" Aren't you going to try again? "

" Nope. "

" Aww. Well that's no fun. "

" Fine. Is the answer love? "

" NOPE! "

Well now I was stumped for sure.

" I don't know. What's the answer? "

" hope. "

" ...Well that's deep. "

" Deep? It is? I don't think it is. " my apartment was only two doors away.

" Well than, I don't think you know the definition of 'deep.' "

" Really? What is your defination? "

" Emotional. "

" Really? " he bit his lip as he continued to stare in my direction. " How...fascinating. I like the way you think. It's interesting...different. "

" I believe you have already mentioned that. " I teased as I walked up onto the first step of the two step staircase, leading into my apartment.

" Oh, is this your apartment? "

" Yeah it is actually. "

" Do you mind if I walk you up? I haven't met someone who likes riddles in a very long time..." I kindly smiled.

" Of course. " I made a hand motion, telling him to come with me. We started to walk the stairs together, meaning we couldn't look directly towards each other for the most part. But of course, that didn't stop him. There were around two short sets of stairs between the main door of my apartment complex and my actual apartment. But for some reason, I was starting to catch myself, wishing there were at least five times the actual amount.

" Thank you, very much. N-no one is ever so kind. You really do not understand how appreciative I am."

" You're welcome. You may talk to me anytime, Edward. "

" Please, call me Ed. "

" Well than, you can talk to me anytime you want, Ed. " he giggled.

" It sounds better when you say it. " I laughed.

" Really? " I asked, folding my arms. " Yes. By the way, what is it about you that makes you so smart and so fast at solving riddles? E-e-even Jim has to take a second to solve them... "

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