19. October 27th// 9:12 AM - 3 AM

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Ella's Perspective

I was starting to feel better as I was sitting on my couch, holding my bowl of cereal. I yawned and turned on the TV. And at first, it was just the normal news. The weather and things. Traffic, and what to look out for and such. What you'd expect. Then it took a turn to the last thing I wanted to see.

" We interrupt you this program to bring you breaking news, it appears that the infamous six criminally insane inmates, also known as The Maniax have escaped Arkham Aslyum. We warn all of you watching, if you're going anywhere today please be on your guard. If not, stay inside-- " I turned off the TV and set my bowl on the coffee table. I thought for a few moments.

" Edward. "


" I'm sorry but--what are you doing here? You need to be at home--resting. " Leslie spoke as I sighed, shaking my head.

" I'm not physically hurt and I can't let this go. You know that. Now please, answer my question. " she looked around to make sure Jim wasn't around. Or at least I assumed that's what she was doing.

" Yes, Edward's still in Arkham for all we know now could you please go back home? " I thought for a moment.

" No. Even if my best friend is gone there's still things I need to do. Like for example, finding out how The Maniax escaped. " she pouted.

" You know for a fact that Jim will most likely cover that case. "

" And who said I couldn't help him? "

" Well... " it just so happened that Jim walked by.

" Hey Les. " he smiled and kissed her cheek.

" Mmhm, hey. Oh you know what? While you're here I might as well let you know... Ella wants to help with the Maniax case... " he looked at me with a mixture of confusion and pity.

" Why not right? " I laughed, he offered a obviously fake smile.

" How are you holding up, Ella? " he asked as I frowned slowly.

" I'm fine. Feeling better...now can we stop worrying about me and start worrying about these psychos? " he sighed.

" Well, we are. But I'm afraid you're probably going to need to head home...don't deny it. We know you need time off and we're okay with that...I know what's like to have some close to you suddenly turn to a psycho. " and without another word he started walking off. Leslie raised an eyebrow at me as I scoffed, rolled my eyes and followed him.

" I'm okay. Alright, fully, emotionally healed. Really I just want to get back out there so I could maybe have a distraction? " I begged, catching up to his hip.

" You know a case like this can't just be a distraction for you... "

" That's not what I meant-- "

" Ella. Enough. " he stopped and turned towards me. There were a few moments of bitter silence between us until I sighed.

" Fine. Is there any other cases you could give me then? "

" Go home, Ella. You've got the week off. It's only Wednesday. " he then walked off.

" But! " I called, then shook my head. I knew I couldn't change his mind. So I gave in and started walking in the direction of the way out. But then, someone caught my eye. Kristen. She was talking with a police officer with a file in her hand, acting completely and utterly normal. I wondered if she knew what happened with Ed... I walked over to her quickly.

I smiled. " Hey Kr-- "

" Oh my god, what are you doing here? " she handed the man the file and quickly pulled me in a hug. I could feel her groan in pity as she rubbed my back slightly. Yet I didn't hug her back, I only sighed and stared up at the celling. From what I could see, she knew about what happened with Edward. She pulled away and looked at me. " Are you okay? " I nodded.

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