8. August 28th//11:53 AM ~August 27th//8:45 AM

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Ella's Perspective

I daydreamed about it, almost all day as I struggled through my work. And by struggling, I mean by it was hard to pay attention. I played the thought back. The stage set and the camera rolling inside my head. Looking over and over at the works. I binged off strange things happening to me. And the other night when Ed and I went the park--something strange did happen. 

___ the day before ___

" So. We did the park, we walked, we argued over what type of bird flew over us...What now? " Ed asked me as I shrugged. 

" Well what do you want to do? " he looked to the ground, thinking it over. 

" Talk, I guess. " he looked back to me, and smiled. " What do you want to do? " he mumbled back. 

" Talk... " 

" About what? " 

" Well... " I sighed and looked around the park. There was a playground around half a mile away from us, beat up with swings and equipment. I smiled, quietly. I saw a girl, just sitting and staring at me from there, on one of the benches far away from us. She had dirty red hair, and wore a green skirt with a green and black striped skirt. But most of all, bright, vibrant green eyes. And she just smiled, slowly at me and batted one of her eyes. I felt shivers cover my body. 

" Hey. " Edward whistled a harmony to get my attention. " Are you okay Eleanor? " I shook my head, and turned back to him. 

" Yeah...I'm fine. Don't call me Eleanor. " he smiled in return. 

" Okay. Good. So what now? " 


" Ella? " I was daydreaming, again. I batted my eyes and found Doctor Leslie Tompkins standing in front of me. She was wearing another dress, similar to what she wore the last time I had seen her. A faint smile almost painted upon her face. 

" Oh, sorry. Is there anything you need Leslie? " I faked a smile as she started to speak. 

" Well, I was wondering if you wanted to get lunch with me. So we could, you know. Get to know each other? " 

" Oh... " I thought about it. This was just another day if being unaware of Edward's plans. But I did know he'd probably want to go somewhere after work today. But then again, I was hungry and he had driven me to work. Not to mention, I had spent literally no more time with Leslie than a minute. " Sure, of course even.  I need to get my mind off of things and I'm actually pretty sure that I'm on lunch break. " I looked at the clock. I didn't even realize I was off for the next hour until I looked at it. I guess my daydreams really managed to kick me off my own feet. 

" Great. Let's go. " I followed her as she walked through the building, walking for the door. " I'm really glad you agreed. I've been waiting for someone to talk to. " she continued, looking back at me as I continued to smile.  

" Same here. I just can't stop daydreaming, it feels like. " 

" Why? What happened? I mean, I haven't known you for too long but you always seem right on track... " 

" Well I guess that's right but... I don't know. I just need some fresh air. " I replied, catching up to her hip. We walked through the door, and I felt my skin crawl. Something wasn't right. I just didn't know what. 

Edward's Perspective 

I walked around the office, my hands folding over themselves from the anxiousness I had. I was looking, searching for Ella desperately. Ever since I kissed her forehead I felt more nervous about her. More...worried. Like I wanted to be around her more. Like I wanted to protect her more. But that's where my new self hate started to brew. Because I knew I couldn't protect her. Or at least not enough. 

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