10. September 1st//4:47 PM

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About a few days after Edward's house was broken into, my mind was still trained upon the idea. We both agreed to tell no one, for nothing really valuable was broken. But I wasn't even sure if he was okay. The harassment had stopped, and it was Friday, but he had been quiet recently.

" Ella. " I looked up from my paperwork to see a smiling Ed, holding flowers behind his back. But this time, it was different. He wasn't wearing his glasses...I tried to continue through the conversation without saying anything about it. Maybe he was just wearing contacts?

" Hey Ed. " I smiled back. " Why do you have flowers? "

" Oh uh. " he laughed, pulling daisies from behind his back. " I wanted to buy you flowers as, you know a little thank you. For not telling anybody about what happened on Monday. "

" Oh. " I looked at the clock. Our shift was almost over. " Well do you want to go to dinner? I'll pay. And you have to let me pay this time because you already bought me flowers. "

" Actually I was thinking I could make food tonight? And that you could stay over? " I thought about it. Things were really becoming slightly weird. He was treating me like his girlfriend. But I guess I am a girl, and his best friend. So I decided to act against worrying too much.

" Sure, that would be fine too. But do you know what you're going to make? Because trust me you're my best friend but I'm not sure if popcorn is necessarily dinner... "

" Yeah, I was thinking some grilled cheese? With you know, popcorn on the side. So it technically works. " I laughed, putting together my paper work. The clock had already moved three minutes, the time needed to get me off work as we spoke. He was already holding his things and wearing his coat, so I assumed we would be fine and ready. Ed now had his office back, by the way. Even though it was still a slightly rough thing to talk about. But it was an understandable, hard thing to talk about.

How would you react if someone went through your stuff then decided you weren't worth the investigation?

" Sounds great. You ready? "

" Uh yeah, yeah. Let's go. " he smiled back as I got up. We started walking to the front entrance, which was about half a mile away, so I knew we could talk.

" So how was your day? " I asked him as he looked over to me. I smiled a little brighter when I looked at him. I could see more of his eyes, more of a hazel brown than I had noticed before. I got lost in my own thoughts.

" Ella? "

" Hmm? " he chuckled slightly.

" Are you okay? "

" yeah I'm fine, how was your day? " he laughed to himself a few times quietly before answering.

" It was fine. I got my office back but I still have to clean some of it up. The other forensics left a mess."

" Do you want help cleaning it? " he opened his mouth to speak, then slowly continued.

" Sure. I guess it could help. But for now, food. " I laughed as he spoke and opened the front door, walking out with me. His car was parked where it always is, so I didn't have trouble finding it, but my thoughts were interrupting almost everything around me. Just looking at him set me back about another 30 seconds. He looked so different without his glasses. It wasn't like he wasn't good looking or at least decent looking with his glasses on, but with his glasses off

he looked handsome.

" So how was your day, Miss Ella? " he questioned as he got in the car, closing his door and as I did the same.

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