13. October 21st//4:59 PM

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Edward's Perspective

I sighed then smiled, looking up at the clock. I was off the clock, and excited as ever. Today was the two month anniversary of Ella and I meeting, and were going to go get food and ice cream to celebrate. And not much had really changed ever since the hospital. Even though the thought still shook me up a little.

" Hey Edward? " Kristen spoke, peaking her head into my office.

" Yes? " she smiled and walked in.

" I have a little extra work you could do that could help me...could you stay overtime? " I frowned.

" Uh... " she gasped.

" Oh wait--god I am awful! " she sighed. " I'm so sorry for springing this on you. I forgot today is Ella and yours anniversary isn't it? " I smiled, clicking the pen I had been holding closed and responding.

" Yes. It is...so could you please do it yourself? " I asked the question in the kindest way I could, I swear.

" Why of course. " she this time flashed her teeth before speaking. " so what are you guys doing tonight? dinner? party? " I chuckled, then sighed slightly--even though I was still in a good mood.

" No dinner. She said we'd just 'wing it'. I mean Kristen Ella and I are not in a relationship. You are aware of that right? "

" Well... " her words lingered as she looked all across the room, avoiding eye contact with me. I knew what this meant. I knew what she meant.

" Kristen. "

" Hmm? "

" What did you do? " she giggled.

" ...took her shopping. " it was then I realized that even though I had sent Ella a text this morning, I had never seen her in person. I had no idea what loop I was in for.

" What the hell does that mean exactly? " I groaned. I was scared of the fact that if she did look too nice, I'd slip up. So I decided to at least try to find out as much as possible.

" Well, it was primarily all her choice-- "

" Thank god. " we both laughed. We were both better friends after what happened at the hospital. Not to mention she knew my biggest secret...

She knew I liked Ella.

" And mostly all her money...even though I did here and there buy her a few things anyway. Necklaces and such. " I nodded.

" Well I look forward to seeing what you have done. " I chuckled and stood up. It really was time for me to leave...

" Hey just one more thing... " she put her hand on my arm to stop me. " it may be the anniversary of your friendship but...it doesn't entirely mean you're too late... " I faked a smile.

" Thank you, Kristen. But that advice won't be necessary. No flirting, no puppy eyes...no nothing tonight. Just friendship. I will forget my feelings, and focus on my friendly feelings. "

" Well if you say so... " she smiled back. " just in case, I'm pretty sure there's a flower shop close... " I mouthed a thank you to her before walking out of the room. I was waiting for this all day--I always did. It was my favorite time of day. The end of the day. But more importantly, the time when I could see my friends.

It made me healthier, I really believed it. When I'm by myself and not working, I tear myself apart. So why not have someone help me put myself back together? I mean--maybe I shouldn't rely on people for everything...and I won't just this one thing. Right?

I gasped. " So I found Ella... " I mumbled to myself as I looked at her. She was about a half a mile away from me. It wasn't her usual choice of dress. As matter of fact--it was a dress. She was wearing a plain red dress that went down to her knees with a pair of black converse. With of course--a black cardigan to cover up. It was a really good look for her...

She smiled and fast walked over to me excitedly. I smiled. " Hey, you ready? "

" Ready. as. ever. " I tilted my head slightly as we both chuckled.

" So. I have an idea if you're up for it-- "

" I'm up for anything. " I interrupted excitingly, and regretted it. God I sound like a five year old! Yet I couldn't see any copies of myself mocking me...

I was relieved when she laughed. " I was thinking ice cream then a walk through the park. Then Halloween movie marathon at my place. " I grinned.

" Depends on that last part. " I folded my arms jokingly as we started walking to the door. " how stocked up are you on food? "

" I'm pretty stocked. I bought about three boxes of popcorn. " she grinned, showing her teeth. She knew number three was my favorite number too. Then--it occurred to me.

" Wait. " I smiled slowly and grabbed her arm.

" Hmm? " she stopped and faced towards me completely.

" We went for ice cream...the first time we ever hung out outside of work...you really planned this out didn't you? " she nodded.

" You're really my best friend, Ed. I go all out for best friends. "


We couldn't stop laughing as we ate our ice cream, and we decided to eat it while we went to the park. And it felt like the best day of my life I was so happy. I had never been that happy in my life. So happy that it even felt strange--but I couldn't pull myself into my thoughts, not yet.

" Edward? "

" Hmm? " she chuckled and smiled at me.

" Can I try yours? " I looked down at my ice cream. We both got cones, and the same flavors we got the day of reference. Mine was mint chocolate chip, and hers was cookies and cream. Now most of the time, I would say no. I had server belief in no eating after another. But Ella was special. Special enough for this occasion.

" Sure. " she took a small lick and I laughed. She gestured over her ice cream but I only shook my head. I didn't like cookies and cream...

" What you don't like cookies and cream? " I blushed. " Yup. That's it. You're crazy. " I chuckled.

" I guess. " she laughed with me as we looked over at the playground equipment that we were about a half a mile away from. And I was expecting it to be empty of children because, of course, it always was. But today it wasn't. Today it had girl wearing just about all leather with brown, curly hair. She looked familiar.

" What are you staring at? " Ella asked curiously as I looked back at her. I was getting distracted, but that's when I realized who the girl on the park equipment was.

" Oh um...that's Cat. I've seen her at the GCPD a few times. She's kind of a regular in-the-dog-house with Jim. " I smiled, explaining as she smiled back.

" Oh yeah. I think I've seen her a few times too... " this gave me a bit of closure until Cat winked at us, then ran off. I decided against thinking more into what Cat was doing there.

" So. What next? " she smiled and raised her eyebrows.

"We've only been here for a rough five minutes... " I smiled back.

" Yes, but life goes quickly and I cannot wait to know what I will be experiencing next... "

" What you'll experience next is watching me drive The Mystery Mobile from the passenger seat of said car... " we both chuckled. The Mystery Mobile was the car that mysteriously appeared in my garage about two days after we got back from the hospital. I know it sounds strange to just assume it was safe to drive--but I checked everything inside of it and it was free of bombs or whatever. And it really was a nice car, so a check up was good enough for me honestly.

" Alright than. Let's go. I. can't. wait. "

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